El príncipe Mohammed bin Salman: de rodearse de sombras por el asesinato de Khashoggi a liderar las acciones de Telefónica
La CIA y otras agencias de inteligencia, así como múltiples informes periodísticos, sugirieron que el príncipe heredero estaba, al menos, al tanto del plan para matar a Khashoggi, si no directamente involucrado en su ejecución.
#telefonica #salman #spanishrevolution
TheOnion: Beyoncé Hires Mohammed Bin Salman To Perform At Her Birthday https://www.theonion.com/beyonce-hires-mohammed-bin-salman-to-perform-at-her-bir-1850506750?utm_source=regular #hiresmohammedbinsalman #entertainmentculture #mohammedbinsalman #beyonce #salman #jayz #gaga #bey
#hiresmohammedbinsalman #entertainmentculture #mohammedbinsalman #beyonce #salman #jayz #gaga #bey
#Earthquake (#زلزال) M3.3 strikes 25 km NE of #Salmān (#Syria) 2 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1538899
#earthquake #زلزال #salman #syria
Gli #EmiratiArabiUniti hanno condannato il colpo di stato della scorsa settimana contro il presidente #Repubblica del #Niger, Mohamed #Bazoum, e hanno sottolineato l’importanza di mantenere la stabilità e la sicurezza nel Paese. Il governo saudita, presieduto da re #Salman, ha rinnovato la richiesta del Regno di dare priorità all’interesse nazionale del Niger, per fermare l’escalation militare.
Mio articolo
#EmiratiArabiUniti #repubblica #niger #bazoum #salman
Il #principe ereditario #saudita Mohammed bin #Salman ha avuto una conversazione telefonica con la #Premier Giorgia #Meloni per discutere varie questioni di reciproco interesse e fare il punto sulle relazioni bilaterali tra i due paesi. I leader hanno esplorato opportunità di cooperazione congiunta e modi per sviluppare ulteriormente la relazione in diversi campi, e dei modi per espandere le opportunità per migliorare ulteriormente i legami.
Mio articolo
#principe #saudita #salman #premier #meloni
#Earthquake (#زلزال) M3.3 strikes 35 km W of #Salmān (#Syria) 23 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1247197
#earthquake #زلزال #salman #syria
From Infiltrating #Wikipedia to Paying #Trump Millions in Golf Deals, #Saudis Whitewash Rights Record
The EJustice Department and #Congress are facing new calls to investigate Donald Trump’s financial ties to #SaudiArabia. The latest controversy centers on a new golf tournament owned by Saudi Arabia’s sovereign Public Investment Fund, which is chaired by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin #Salman. #LIV has paid millions to #golfresorts owned by Donald Trump
#wikipedia #trump #saudis #congress #saudiarabia #salman #liv #golfresorts
We have written about him before. This is the liquidated #MahdiMalashahi. But he turned out to be not a colonel, but a brigadier-general and commander of the 110th brigade of the #IRGC "#Salman" (stationed in the #Sistan and #Balochistan oblasts). This is the first #IRGC general liquidated by the #Iranian revolutionaries.
#mahdimalashahi #irgc #salman #sistan #balochistan #iranian #iran
#ArabiaSaudita #Cina
Il Re #Salman e il Presidente della Cina #Xi Jinping (#CCP|Estrema sinistra) hanno firmato un accordo di partenariato strategico che armonizza la strategia di sviluppo saudita “Vision 2030” e il progetto sulla Nuova via della seta.
#arabiasaudita #cina #salman #xi #ccp
Lachs🐟 ante portas
Fragwürdiger Retter in Not
#Saudi-Arabiens Kronprinz Mohammed bin #Salman bereitet eine Investition in die Investmentbank #Créditsuisse vor, berichtet das Wall Street Journal.
Lachs🐟 ante portas
Fragwürdiger Retter in Not
#Saudi-Arabiens Kronprinz Mohammed bin #Salman bereitet eine Investition in die Investmentbank #Créditsuisse vor, berichtet das Wall Street Journal.
The US Department of State # Biden has given Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin #Salman immunity from a lawsuit over the murder of Jamal #Khashoggi despite Joe Biden’s earlier promise to hold the de facto ruler accountable for the crime.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/us-moves-to-shield-saudi-crown-prince-in-journalist-killing/2022/11/17/3932ad5c-66ee-11ed-b08c-3ce222607059_story.html #Assange #FreeAssange
#salman #khashoggi #assange #freeassange
Lasst euch besser nicht von Schergen der saudi-arabischen Herrscher-Familie zerstückeln. Die Mörder und Auftragsgeber genießen diplomatische Immunität.
Mohammed bin #Salman: Realpolitik nach Art von Joe Biden
via @sz@twitter.com https://sz.de/1.5698560
RT @doyaksec
#Humanrights not to forget. "#Homosexuality is a #mental illness"
The statement released on #German TV #ZDF by #Qatar's #WorldCup ambassador Khalid #Salman
#humanrights #homosexuality #mental #german #zdf #qatar #worldcup #salman
Salman Rushdie, l`aggressore attacca lo scrittore | E davanti al giudice rincara la dose - Free.it #salman #rushdie #laggressore #attacca #scrittore #giudice #rincara #dose #freeit #19agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZnJlZS5pdC8yMDIyLzA4LzE5L3NhbG1hbi1ydXNoZGllLWxhZ2dyZXNzb3JlLWF0dGFjY2EtbG8tc2NyaXR0b3JlLWUtZGF2YW50aS1hbC1naXVkaWNlLXJpbmNhcmEtbGEtZG9zZS8=
#19agosto #freeit #Dose #rincara #giudice #scrittore #attacca #laggressore #rushdie #salman
Salman Rushdie, aggressore compare in giudizio e si dichiara non colpevole | TeLoDoGratis #salman #rushdie #aggressore #compare #giudizio #dichiara #colpevole #telodogratis #19agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGVsb2RvZ3JhdGlzLml0LzIwMjIvMDgvMTgvc2FsbWFuLXJ1c2hkaWUtYWdncmVzc29yZS1jb21wYXJlLWluLWdpdWRpemlvLWUtc2ktZGljaGlhcmEtbm9uLWNvbHBldm9sZS8=
#19agosto #telodogratis #colpevole #dichiara #giudizio #Compare #aggressore #rushdie #salman
“La prossima sei tu”, JK Rowling riceve minacce di morte all’indomani dell’attacco a Salman Rushdie – Visione TV #prossima #rowling #riceve #minacce #morte #allindomani #dellattacco #salman #rushdie #visione #16agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly92aXNpb25ldHYuaXQvbGEtcHJvc3NpbWEtc2VpLXR1LWprLXJvd2xpbmctcmljZXZlLW1pbmFjY2UtZGktbW9ydGUtYWxsaW5kb21hbmktZGVsbGF0dGFjY28tYS1zYWxtYW4tcnVzaGRpZS8=
#16Agosto #visione #rushdie #salman #dellattacco #allindomani #morte #minacce #riceve #rowling #prossima
Aggredito lo scrittore Salman Rushdie, autore di `I versi satanici` #aggredito #scrittore #salman #rushdie #autore #versi #satanici #16agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWljcm9tZWdhLm5ldC9hZ2dyZWRpdG8tbG8tc2NyaXR0b3JlLXNhbG1hbi1ydXNoZGllLWF1dG9yZS1kaS1pLXZlcnNpLXNhdGFuaWNpLw==
#16Agosto #satanici #versi #autore #rushdie #salman #scrittore #aggredito