»Könige und Königinnen verschwinden, die Mächtigen haben Armeen, Waffen, Geld, das letzte Wort jedoch, das haben immer die Geschichtenerzähler.«
(Salman Rushdie)
mich ekelt diese Selbstglorifizierung und ich denke, träum weiter, Salman, bis die Waffen das letzte Wort haben und deine Träume und die Deiner Leser*innen beenden.
#salmanrushdie #selbstglorifizierung #ekel
#SalmanRushdie to Speak at National #Constitution Center’s National #FirstAmendment Summit
#salmanrushdie #constitution #firstamendment
Salman Rushdie, the Booker Prize-winning author, was on stage almost a year ago when he was stabbed up to 10 times by Hadi Matar.
#SalmanRushdie #CrazyDreams #AboutKnifeAttack #NewYork
#salmanrushdie #crazydreams #aboutknifeattack #newyork
#SalmanRushdie has spoken for the first time about having “crazy dreams” following the near-fatal knife attack on him in #NewYork in August last year, which has left the #Mumbai-born author blind in one eye.
https://trib.al/w93X06N #press
#salmanrushdie #newyork #mumbai #press
https://www.linkedin.com/posts/max-fatouretchi_salman-rushdie-wins-prestigious-german-peace-activity-7076658474012581888-bOWP?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios — #SalmanRushdie wins prestigious German Peace Prize! Learn about his lifetime struggle against the #irgcterrorists of the barbaric #iranian regime..
#iranrevolution #iranianwomen #torture #hanging #terror #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini
#salmanrushdie #irgcterrorists #iranian #iranrevolution #iranianwomen #torture #hanging #terror #womanlifefreedom #mahsaamini
Writer #SalmanRushdie has been awarded a prestigious German prize for his literary work and for his resolve and positive attitude in the face of constant danger, the prize organisers said on June 19.
https://trib.al/GeN0ByK #press
Salman Rushdie mit Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels ausgezeichnet https://www.lesering.de/id/4911083/Salman-Rushdie-mit-Friedenspreis-des-Deutschen-Buchhandels-ausgezeichnet/ #FriedenspreisdesDeutschenBuchhandels #Literaturpreis #Literaturpreis #SalmanRushdie
#salmanrushdie #literaturpreis #friedenspreisdesdeutschenbuchhandels
One of my favourite living authors, Salman Rushdie has won the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade "for his indomitable spirit, for his affirmation of life and for enriching our world with his love of storytelling
....His work chronicles the force used by oppressive regimes to destroy entire societies while also celebrating the indestructible spirit of resistance displayed by individual human beings.."
#SalmanRushdie #PeacePrize #FreidensPreis #Literature #Writers
#writers #literature #freidenspreis #PeacePrize #salmanrushdie
Salman Rushdie wins prestigious German peace prize
#SalmanRushdie #PeacePrizeoftheGermanBookTrade #TheSatanicVerses
#thesatanicverses #peaceprizeofthegermanbooktrade #salmanrushdie
You share your #birthday with... Fighter for freedom of the world... #SalmanRushdie
@SalmanRushdie #press
#birthday #salmanrushdie #press
@tomstafford Cool hypothesis! 😎 I don’t think the datasets have been made public. Could try it with authors that have a distinct style but no fan fiction. #Hemingway? #SalmanRushdie?
The #author suffered a #knife injury after he was attacked on stage last year when he was about to deliver a lecture in the US
https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/salman-rushdie-to-write-not-the-easiest-book-accounting-being-stabbed-on-stage-101685705974468.html #press
#author #knife #salmanrushdie #press
RIP #MartinAmis , the #MickJagger of literature. I studied English at Cambridge, he was only three years my senior, and I've never read one of his novels. That's all about to change. As his friend #SalmanRushdie said, ""He used to say that what he wanted to do was leave behind a shelf of books - to be able to say: 'From here to here, it's me.'" I can look forward to the shelf. Read more here: 👉 https://www.climateblog.uk/index.html#DiscoveringMartinAmis
#MartinAmis #mickjagger #salmanrushdie
#SalmanRushdie accepts an award for courage on behalf of those who stopped an #IslamicMilitant from killing him last year. Among his closing remarks: “Terrorism must not terrorize us.” ✅ 👉 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTREhtVXc/
“We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” - #POTUS Franklin Delano Roosevelt
“All hate begins as self-hate.” - Dalai Lama
#salmanrushdie #islamicmilitant #potus
#SalmanRushdie made an emotional and unexpected return to public life on May 18, attending the annual gala of Poets, Essayists, Novelists (PEN) America.
#SalmanRushdie made an emotional and unexpected return to public life on May 18, attending the annual gala of Poets, Essayists, Novelists (PEN) America.
Salman Rushdie warns free expression is under threat