Ralph Brooker · @RalphBrooker
112 followers · 1510 posts · Server mstdn.social

. I think principally ’s pupil and associate (perhaps briefly under Lennie Tristano?, certainly with Warne Marsh). Some of the most beautiful music I’ve ever heard has been Halperin’s. Underexposed.

#salmosca #jimmyhalperin

Last updated 1 year ago

Ralph Brooker · @RalphBrooker
101 followers · 1172 posts · Server mstdn.social

has been one of the most beautiful tenor saxophonists since his maturation after the death of teacher . His work with (also teacher mentor pianist) should be spoken with in the reverential terms usually reserved for Bach. His work with the sympathetic is exquisite. This is a cracking album.

#palnybergtrio #salmosca #Psalm #LennieTristano #jimmyhalperin

Last updated 2 years ago

Ralph Brooker · @RalphBrooker
31 followers · 287 posts · Server mstdn.social

Finally (and there was much rejoicing!). . The faithful student who arguably finished by surpassing his mentor and friend . In 1949/50 on early records inc. Subconscious-Lee and Hi-Beck, it is almost impossible to distinguish Sal from Tristano. But Sal found his own unique voice. Like Tristano, Sal became a total recluse early on, sacrificing an assured playing career, teaching instead a small coterie of advanced students such as the outstanding .

#Jazz #jimmyhalperin #leekonitz #tristano #salmosca

Last updated 2 years ago

Ralph Brooker · @RalphBrooker
31 followers · 287 posts · Server mstdn.social

looking rather imperious. Quite an intimidating presence. Known as much for his seminal work with . Warne was the most devoted disciple of ’s teachings. Few of his students, no matter how advanced, were willing to commit so completely to LT’s ultimately restricted but highly developed conception of . Warne, with the possible exception of , represents the logical terminus of LT’s

#pedagogy #Jazz #salmosca #improvisation #LennieTristano #leekonitz #WarneMarsh

Last updated 2 years ago