“Dark” right-wing network recruits MAGA “army” to replace 50K federal workers Trump plans to purge
#Salon #DarkRightWingNetwork #MAGAArmy #FederalWorkers #TrumpPurge #Recruitment #Politics #News
#salon #darkrightwingnetwork #magaarmy #federalworkers #TrumpPurge #recruitment #politics #news
“I was just following orders”: Ex-prosecutor calls out Trump co-defendants for using “Nazi defense”
#Salon #TrumpCoDefendants #NaziDefense #ExProsecutor #FollowingOrders #CallsOut #Politics #News
#salon #trumpcodefendants #nazidefense #exprosecutor #followingorders #callsout #politics #news
LE salon de l' #agriculture #paysanne Verts-de-Terre, c'est ce week-end à #saintetienne !
Rendez-vous samedi dès 10h pour deux jours de salon au Parc Sanguedolce (Puits Couriot). Entrée à #prixlibre.
😋 Animations, stand, conférences, débats, animaux de la ferme et marché de producteur : voilà un programme alléchant...
👀 Le programme, justement, est téléchargeable ici : https://lstu.fr/vdt-programme
Nous serons également là... Venez nous voir au stand !
#salon #loire #prixlibre #saintetienne #paysanne #agriculture
01 Net: Les 8 meilleurs produits et technos insolites aperçus à l’IFA 2023 https://www.01net.com/actualites/les-8-meilleurs-produits-et-technos-insolites-que-lon-a-vus-a-lifa-2023.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Innovation #salon #IFA
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #innovation #salon #ifa
“Dark” right-wing network recruits MAGA “army” to replace 50K federal workers Trump plans to purge - "Project 2025 is extremists' newest plan to set fire to our democracy," watchdog group warns
#Salon #DarkRightWingNetwork #MAGAArmy #Project2025 #DemocracyUnderThreat #WatchdogWarning #Politics #News
#salon #darkrightwingnetwork #magaarmy #project2025 #democracyunderthreat #watchdogwarning #politics #news
"He didn't build a damn thing": Biden drags Trump in Labor Day speech
#Biden #LaborDaySpeech #Trump #Drag #Build #Salon #Politics #News
#biden #labordayspeech #trump #drag #build #salon #politics #news
From RICO charges to loyalty pledges: Trump's transformation of the GOP into a crime mob is complete
#TrumpGOPTransformation #RICOCharges #LoyaltyPledges #CrimeMob #GOPTransformation #Salon #Politics #News
#trumpgoptransformation #ricocharges #loyaltypledges #crimemob #goptransformation #salon #politics #news
A trans woman who was excluded by beauty salons has created her own inclusive mobile beauty salon called Obsidian Beauty.
#GoodNews #LGBTQ #Trans #Woman #Beauty #Business #Salon #Mobile #Accessibility #Inclusion #Care #Liverpool
#goodnews #lgbtq #trans #woman #beauty #business #salon #mobile #accessibility #inclusion #care #liverpool
What I’m trying to say is I’m quitting the comics gig and starting a makeup show…
#jollybiscuit #makeup #beauty #salon #beautiful #hot #eyebrow #skull #explosion #humor #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrip
#jollybiscuit #makeup #beauty #salon #beautiful #hot #eyebrow #skull #explosion #humor #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrip
Trump conspirators beware: Rudy Giuliani's loss is a reminder that the courtroom is MAGA kryptonite
#Salon #RudyGiulianiLoss #Courtroom #MAGAKryptonite #TrumpConspiratorsBeware #Reminder #Politics #News
#salon #rudygiulianiloss #courtroom #magakryptonite #trumpconspiratorsbeware #reminder #politics #news
(29 Aug) - Trump lawyer says ex-president doesn’t need trial prep: He is “incredibly intelligent“ https://www.salon.com/2023/08/28/not-a-great-statement-legal-experts-say-lawyer-just-destroyed-his-argument-to-delay-trial/ #Salon #TrumpLawyer #ExPresident #TrialPrep #Intelligent #LegalExperts #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110973050946480769
#news #politics #legalexperts #intelligent #trialprep #expresident #trumplawyer #salon
Trump lawyer says ex-president doesn't need trial prep: He is "incredibly intelligent"
#Salon #TrumpLawyer #ExPresident #TrialPrep #Intelligent #LegalExperts #Politics #News
#salon #trumplawyer #expresident #trialprep #intelligent #legalexperts #politics #news
(28 Aug) - “We call that kind of love a cult“: Experts on the latest disturbing poll of Trump supporters - New poll reveals that members of the MAGA cult trust Trump most: He “provides the kind of love they crave“ https://www.salon.com/2023/08/28/we-call-that-kind-of-love-a-cult-experts-on-the-latest-disturbing-poll-of-supporters/ #Salon #TrumpSupporters #MAGACult #LoveCult #DisturbingPoll #TrustInTrump #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110968331639240708
#news #politics #trustintrump #disturbingpoll #lovecult #magacult #trumpsupporters #salon
"We call that kind of love a cult": Experts on the latest disturbing poll of Trump supporters - New poll reveals that members of the MAGA cult trust Trump most: He "provides the kind of love they crave"
#Salon #TrumpSupporters #MAGACult #LoveCult #DisturbingPoll #TrustInTrump #Politics #News
#salon #trumpsupporters #magacult #lovecult #disturbingpoll #trustintrump #politics #news
(26 Aug) - “Hit list“: Trump grand jurors face violent threats after names and addresses shared on QAnon forums https://www.salon.com/2023/08/26/hit-list-grand-jurors-face-violent-after-names-and-addresses-shared-on-qanon-forums/ #Salon #TrumpGrandJurors #ViolentThreats #QAnonForums #HitList #NamesandAddresses #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110956298328306090
#news #politics #namesandaddresses #hitlist #qanonforums #violentthreats #trumpgrandjurors #salon
"Hit list": Trump grand jurors face violent threats after names and addresses shared on QAnon forums
#Salon #TrumpGrandJurors #ViolentThreats #QAnonForums #HitList #NamesandAddresses #Politics #News
#salon #trumpgrandjurors #ViolentThreats #qanonforums #hitlist #namesandaddresses #politics #news
Why do Republicans even bother with this whole farce? | Trump wasn't there, but we saw why he's leading: GOP voters don't care about substance, just unjustified grievances
#Salon #GOPVoters #UnjustifiedGrievances #RepublicanFarce #TrumpLeadership #NoSubstance #Politics #News
#salon #gopvoters #unjustifiedgrievances #republicanfarce #trumpleadership #nosubstance #politics #news
(23 Aug) - Attorney: New bombshell report confirms Mark Meadows “ratted out Trump to the Feds” - Meadows quietly agreed to cooperate with prosecutors amid Trump’s executive privilege fight, New York Times reports https://www.salon.com/2023/08/22/attorney-new-bombshell-report-confirms-mark-meadows-ratted-out-to-the-feds/ #Salon #MarkMeadows #Trump #Feds #ExecutivePrivilege #NewYorkTimes #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110937189369933203
#news #politics #newyorktimes #executiveprivilege #feds #trump #markmeadows #salon
Attorney: New bombshell report confirms Mark Meadows “ratted out Trump to the Feds” - Meadows quietly agreed to cooperate with prosecutors amid Trump's executive privilege fight, New York Times reports
#Salon #MarkMeadows #Trump #Feds #ExecutivePrivilege #NewYorkTimes #Politics #News
#salon #markmeadows #trump #feds #executiveprivilege #newyorktimes #politics #news
#drivethrough #hair #salon! (no one was hurt) https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-66589095