Republicans demand a ransom: Defund the prosecution of Donald Trump or else
#RepublicansDemandRansom #DefundDonaldProsecution #TrumpProsecution #PoliticalRansom #GOPDemands #SalonNews #Politics #News
#republicansdemandransom #defunddonaldprosecution #trumpprosecution #politicalransom #gopdemands #salonnews #politics #news
(30 Aug) - Trump attacks Judge Chutkan on Truth Social and vows to “appeal“ trial date — which “is not a thing“ #TrumpAttacksJudgeChutkan #TruthSocial #AppealTrialDate #NotAThing #SalonNews #ChutkanOnTruthSocial #Politics #News
#news #politics #chutkanontruthsocial #salonnews #notathing #appealtrialdate #truthsocial #trumpattacksjudgechutkan
Trump attacks Judge Chutkan on Truth Social and vows to "appeal" trial date — which "is not a thing"
#TrumpAttacksJudgeChutkan #TruthSocial #AppealTrialDate #NotAThing #SalonNews #ChutkanOnTruthSocial #Politics #News
#trumpattacksjudgechutkan #truthsocial #appealtrialdate #notathing #salonnews #chutkanontruthsocial #politics #news
(16 Aug) - Mark Meadows surfaces at last — and it sure looks like he’s flipped on Trump #MarkMeadowsFlipped #TrumpFlip #SalonNews #MarkMeadows #TrumpAdministration #PoliticalShift #Politics #News
#news #politics #politicalshift #trumpadministration #markmeadows #salonnews #trumpflip #markmeadowsflipped
Mark Meadows surfaces at last — and it sure looks like he's flipped on Trump
#MarkMeadowsFlipped #TrumpFlip #SalonNews #MarkMeadows #TrumpAdministration #PoliticalShift #Politics #News
#markmeadowsflipped #trumpflip #salonnews #markmeadows #trumpadministration #politicalshift #politics #news
(15 Aug) - “He is just daring the judge now“: Trump targets Chutkan in Truth Social attack Trump claimed the judge overseeing his election conspiracy case “obviously wants me behind bars“ #SalonNews #TrumpAttacksChutkan #ElectionConspiracyCase #TruthSocial #JudgeChutkan #BehindBars #Politics #News
#news #politics #behindbars #judgechutkan #truthsocial #electionconspiracycase #trumpattackschutkan #salonnews
"He is just daring the judge now": Trump targets Chutkan in Truth Social attack | Trump claimed the judge overseeing his election conspiracy case "obviously wants me behind bars"
#SalonNews #TrumpAttacksChutkan #ElectionConspiracyCase #TruthSocial #JudgeChutkan #BehindBars #Politics #News
#salonnews #trumpattackschutkan #electionconspiracycase #truthsocial #judgechutkan #BehindBars #politics #news
Smoking gun: Trump's big mouth keeps getting him in trouble
#TrumpBigMouth #TrumpTrouble #SalonNews #SmokingGun #TrumpInTrouble #BigMouthGetsHimInTrouble #Politics #News
#trumpbigmouth #trumptrouble #salonnews #smokinggun #trumpintrouble #bigmouthgetshimintrouble #politics #news
Trump hits the panic button: Antisemitic attacks on special counsel Jack Smith betray desperation
#TrumpPanicButton #AntisemiticAttacks #SpecialCounselJackSmith #Desperation #SalonNews #Mastodon #Politics #News
#trumppanicbutton #antisemiticattacks #specialcounseljacksmith #desperation #salonnews #mastodon #politics #news
Why the right is so terrified of “woke”: There are truths it just can’t face — Conservatives didn’t want to hear about white privilege. So they abandoned reality and joined the orange man’s cult
#SalonNews #WokeTruths #WhitePrivilegeDenial #ConservativeRealityDistortion #OrangeManCult #FacingUncomfortableTruths #Politics #News
#salonnews #woketruths #whiteprivilegedenial #conservativerealitydistortion #orangemancult #facinguncomfortabletruths #politics #news
“Hatred, plain and simple”: “Groomer” trope linked to nearly 200 anti-LGBTQ+ attacks in 11 months — GLAAD and ADL found 356 anti-LGBTQ+ attacks over that span, with nearly half linked to extremist groups
#SalonNews #AntiLGBTQAttacks #ExtremistGroups #GroomerTrope #GLAAD #ADL #Politics #News
#salonnews #antilgbtqattacks #extremistgroups #groomertrope #glaad #adl #politics #news
For my transgender daughter, there are only 18 States of America
#SalonNews #TransgenderRights #LGBTQEquality #StateLaws #ParentingChallenges #InclusiveSociety #Politics #News
#salonnews #transgenderrights #LGBTQEquality #statelaws #parentingchallenges #inclusivesociety #politics #news
“DOJ really had no choice”: Experts say non-lawyer Tom Fitton’s advice horribly backfired on Trump
#SalonNews #TomFittonAdvice #DOJBackfire #TrumpLegalIssues #NonLawyerMistakes #ExpertAnalysis #Politics #News
#salonnews #tomfittonadvice #dojbackfire #trumplegalissues #nonlawyermistakes #expertanalysis #politics #news
Trump claims he's "exonerated" and demands his boxes back. Experts say he's "confessing to intent"
#SalonNews #TrumpExonerated #BoxDemand #ConfessingIntent #LegalExpertsOpinions #PoliticalImplications #Politics #News
#salonnews #trumpexonerated #boxdemand #confessingintent #legalexpertsopinions #politicalimplications #politics #news
Donald Trump still thinks he can escape this — but Jack Smith has him cornered | For all his bluster, Trump is almost out of options. This will be the last chapter of his lifetime grift
#SalonNews #DonaldTrumpCornered #LastChapterOfGrift #JackSmithInvestigation #TrumpOutOfOptions #LifetimeGriftEnding #Politics #News
#salonnews #donaldtrumpcornered #lastchapterofgrift #jacksmithinvestigation #trumpoutofoptions #lifetimegriftending #politics #news
Jordan’s FBI “whistleblower” may have lied under oath about funding from Trump ally: report.
#SalonNews #JordanFBIWhistleblower #TrumpAllyFunding #LyingUnderOath #FBIInvestigation #PoliticalCorruption #Politics #News
#salonnews #jordanfbiwhistleblower #trumpallyfunding #LyingUnderOath #fbiinvestigation #politicalcorruption #politics #news
Trump melts down on Truth Social over reports that special counsel "wants to indict me" - “Looks like someone has received some very bad news from his legal team,” said MSNBC legal analyst Katie Phang
#SalonNews #TrumpIndictment #TruthSocialMeltdown #SpecialCounselInvestigation #LegalTeamNews #MSNBCAnalysis #Politics #News
#salonnews #trumpindictment #truthsocialmeltdown #specialcounselinvestigation #legalteamnews #msnbcanalysis #politics #news
The press cluelessly fan the flames of fascism — They can't even call it what it is
#SalonNews #PressAndFascism #MediaResponsibility #JournalismFail #FascismWarning #LanguageMatters #Politics #News
#salonnews #pressandfascism #mediaresponsibility #journalismfail #fascismwarning #languagematters #politics #news
Call corruption by it's name - corruption
#salon #salonnews #oligarchy #corruption
Legal experts: Trump could be charged under "Espionage Act" over report that he showed off docs
#SalonNews #TrumpEspionageAct #DocumentLeak #LegalExperts #NationalSecurity #ClassifiedInformation #Politics #News
#salonnews #trumpespionageact #documentleak #legalexperts #nationalsecurity #classifiedinformation #politics #news