I read this a few years back. Highly recommended. #Kurlansky #Salt: A World History
#salt 3006.3 is out! 🎉
Do you want to try your current configuration with this version easily?
You can do it with #Docker and my custom image, which has some nice features like #GitFS and #GPG encryption out of the box. It includes secrets for handling your private keys, as well as #SaltAPI support:
docker pull ghcr.io/cdalvaro/docker-salt-master:3006.3
More info at: https://github.com/cdalvaro/docker-salt-master
#SaltStack #IoT #SaltMaster #DevOps #SaltTips #Automation #Linux #UNIX #macOS #Mac #SysAdmin
#salt #docker #gitfs #gpg #saltapi #saltstack #iot #saltmaster #devops #saltTips #automation #linux #unix #macos #mac #sysadmin
Global salt exports
#salt #foodSystem #food
Source: https://oec.world/en/profile/hs/salt.
The global trade in salt as sodium chloride: almost US$4 billion. Australia is the top exporter, US top importer.
#food #foodsystem #salt
NYT Architecture : In an Egyptian Oasis, a House Built From Sand, Rope and Salt https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/06/t-magazine/egypt-siwa-oasis-india-mahdavi-mounir-neamatalla.html #InteriorDesignandFurnishings #ConservationofResources #Mahdavi,India #Architecture #Egypt #Salt
#interiordesignandfurnishings #conservationofresources #mahdavi #architecture #egypt #salt
Action movies released in 2010…pick your favorite. Poll 3 of 3.
#repomen #theotherguys #thenextthreedays #salt #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #actionmovies
Today's poem:
- by Jean Reboul
#AiguesMortes #france #crusades #history #poetry #JeanReboul #port #SaltMarsh #salt #SaltPans
#aiguesmortes #france #crusades #history #poetry #jeanreboul #port #saltmarsh #salt #saltpans
Hi #homebrew users!
I’m trying to create a #salt cask and I would like to use an arbitrary Ruby method as explained in the official documentation: https://docs.brew.sh/Cask-Cookbook#arbitrary-ruby-methods
cask "salt" do
module Utils
def self.patch_plist(plist_file)
However, brew linter is not happy with it:
Casks/salt.rb:2:3: W: Lint/ConstantDefinitionInBlock: Do not define constants this way within a block.
module Utils ...
Can someone tell me what I’m doing wrong? Thank you!
Salt launches STEP program to enhance API security for enterprises https://www.developer-tech.com/news/2023/aug/23/salt-launches-step-enhance-api-security-enterprises/ #salt #api #security #enterprise #devops #coding #programming #infosec #hacking #cybersecurity #news #tech #technology
#salt #api #security #enterprise #devops #coding #programming #infosec #hacking #cybersecurity #News #tech #Technology
Chữa đau lưng bằng muối rang là phương pháp lợi dụng sức nóng đưa các khoáng chất có trong muối và dược liệu vào cơ thể thông qua sự hấp thụ của da. Điều này giúp kiểm soát cơn đau tại chỗ nhanh chóng, hiệu quả và an toàn. Dưới đây là một số gợi ý về cách sử dụng muối trị đau lưng, người bệnh có thể tham khảo.
#ihrvietnam #IHR_Việt_Nam #suckhoe #health #daulung #backache #salt
#ihrvietnam #ihr_việt_nam #suckhoe #health #daulung #backache #salt
"Kidney advocacy organizations are warning that the proposal could lead to unnecessary deaths because the regulation would increase the use of one popular salt substitute: potassium chloride. Patients with chronic kidney disease, including end-stage renal disease, can’t properly excrete potassium from their bodies and excess potassium levels in the blood, known as hyperkalemia, can lead to cardiac arrhythmias and sudden heart failure."
We’re facing a lithium battery crisis: What are the alternatives? Via Euronews: We’re facing a lithium battery crisis: What are the alternatives?
#lithium #alternativestolithium #batteries #salt #seawater #southkorea #iron #silicon #magnesium #hemp
Are there any lithium battery alternatives? | New Scientist
#lithium #batteries #alternativestolithium #salt #magnesium #seawater #glassbatteries #fuelcell #fuelcells #liquidbatteries #flowbatteries
Whenever someone says "this has too much salt", I never have any clue what they are talking about. Its tasty!
Not sure this is done but it's too wet to go on. #watercolor #watercolorpainting #stilllife #salt #everything #pepper #flowers #herbs
#herbs #Flowers #pepper #everything #salt #stilllife #watercolorpainting #WaterColor
McDonald’s salt contains SUGAR?? - YouTube
#health #mcdonalds #frenchFries #salt #sugar #silicoaluminate
#health #mcdonalds #frenchfries #salt #sugar #silicoaluminate
I'd like to eventually move away from #Kali for #infosec work/hobbies and maintain my own set of the tools I use on whichever #Linux distribution I choose.
Does anyone maintain #automation that they use to install all their tooling and preferences onto newly built machines? I'd love to develop code to just run after install and have everything set up to my liking.
The names I know in this space are the usual. #Ansible #Chef #Puppet #Salt but that seems like overkill for a single laptop.
#kali #infosec #linux #automation #ansible #chef #puppet #salt