My 2 jars of homemade salted plums.
A Chinese tea cup is beside them - for scale.
#AsianMastodon #Chinese #Teochew #Fermented #PreservedFood #SaltedPlums #CulturalFoods #AsianFoods #ChineseFoods #POCfoods #FoodPreservation #TraditionalFood #AncientFoodPreservation #homemade #dehydrated #FoodSecurity #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #SelfSuffiency #gaginang
#gaginang #foodsecurity #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #selfsuffiency #asianmastodon #chinese #teochew #fermented #preservedfood #saltedplums #culturalfoods #asianfoods #chinesefoods #pocfoods #foodpreservation #traditionalfood #ancientfoodpreservation #homemade #dehydrated
My first batch of #fermented #SourPlums is done & jarred. There's over 300 in this jar. Starting next batch in 2 weeks, with some of my yellow #plums this time. Preserved with simple coarse salt & cane sugar.
#AsianMastodon #SaltedPlums #Fermenting #FoodPreservation #dehydrated #FruitPreservation #Teochew #Chinese #CulturalFoods #ChineseSnacks #DriedSaltedPlums #TraditionalFoods #AncientFoods #FoodSecurity #SelfSufficiency #homemade #DehydratingWithSunPower #SolarDehydration #SaltySour
#fermented #sourplums #plums #asianmastodon #saltedplums #fermenting #foodpreservation #dehydrated #fruitpreservation #teochew #chinese #culturalfoods #chinesesnacks #driedsaltedplums #traditionalfoods #ancientfoods #foodsecurity #selfsufficiency #homemade #dehydratingwithsunpower #solardehydration #saltysour
We make these - both hot & cold versions. I made some salted plums hot drink today. It soothes the throat & helps my gut feel better.
#XiMuoi #SaltedPlums #drinks #AsianMastodon #Teochew #Chinese #cultural
#ximuoi #saltedplums #drinks #asianmastodon #teochew #chinese #cultural