#Socialists working on #salting workplaces
“The end of the Bernie campaign morphed into a summer salting project”. Salts — labor organizers who seek jobs at nonunion workplaces — have traditionally been paid by #unions. Lately, #DSA has been training salts on a voluntary basis as a means of growing the labor movement and making it more militant. YDSA has gone campus by campus to recruit graduates into salting at #union organizing hotspots like #Amazon and #Starbucks.
#socialists #salting #unions #dsa #union #amazon #starbucks
#Salting bedeutet einen Job mit der Absicht anzunehmen, am Arbeitsplatz eine Organisierungskampagne zu starten oder zu unterstützen. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit den Grenzen dieser Art von „strategisch arbeiten gehen“ durch MK Lees in der
ICYMI: EWOC’s #Salting 101 webinar is now available to stream.
#labor #labororganizing #unions #salting
@shork This is very similar to the idea behind password #salting. I do this for my very most sensitive passwords; a value in my Password Manager plus a key phrase that lives only in my head, plus #multifactorauthentication from a 3rd party app (Google Authenticator).
For many use cases, it’s overkill. Be sure to take your #threatmodel and your personal #risks into account.
More about #salting https://www.techtarget.com/searchsecurity/definition/salt
#salting #multifactorauthentication #threatmodel #risks
RT @URNews2Use@twitter.com
Chemistry professor Julie Pollock authored this article picked up by @PopSci@twitter.com and originally published in the @ConversationUS@twitter.com about #Salting icy roads. https://www.popsci.com/road-salt-ice-how-it-works/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/URNews2Use/status/1611096824126881793
Sailor, Soldier, & Explorer #Rations - #Food for the Commoner - #SaltPork
#Cooking #Cookery #Recipe #Recipes #Pork #SaltedPork #PickledPork #Preserve #PreservedFood #FoodPreservation #AmericanFood #AmericanCooking #Salting #Townsends
#townsends #salting #americancooking #americanfood #foodpreservation #preservedfood #preserve #pickledpork #saltedpork #pork #recipes #recipe #Cookery #cooking #saltpork #food #rations
📬 Slack gesteht Passwort-Panne – Fehler nach 5 Jahren behoben
#Hacking #Softwareentwicklung #Hashing #Messengerdienst #PasswortHashing #PasswortPanne #Passwortsicherheit #Salting https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/hacking/slack-gesteht-passwort-panne-fehler-nach-5-jahren-behoben-253735.html
#salting #passwortsicherheit #PasswortPanne #PasswortHashing #messengerdienst #hashing #softwareentwicklung #hacking
Zynga faces class action suit over massive Words With Friends hack - It's charging subpar password security and lousy user notification: Zynga has yet to notify users ... more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/03/05/zynga-faces-class-action-suit-over-massive-words-with-friends-hack/ #wordswithfriends #securitythreats #gnosticplayers #drawsomething #classaction #onlinegames #socialgames #databreach #law&order #passwords #dataloss #privacy #hashing #lawsuit #salting #breach #sha-1
#sha #breach #salting #lawsuit #hashing #privacy #dataloss #passwords #law #databreach #socialgames #onlinegames #classaction #drawsomething #gnosticplayers #securitythreats #wordswithfriends