A Salvadoran storefront church opened up the street from my house a few weeks ago and most afternoons and evenings they sell just fantastic pan con pollo and pastelitos Savaldoreños, neither of which is very common as street food here.
#LosAngeles #LA #ComidaSalvadoreña #SalvadoranFood #ElSalvador #VermontAvenue #SouthLA #SouthCentralLA #PanConPollo #PastelitosSalvadoreños #Empanadas #Curtido #StorefrontChurch
#losangeles #la #comidasalvadorena #salvadoranfood #elsalvador #vermontavenue #southla #southcentralla #panconpollo #pastelitossalvadorenos #empanadas #curtido #storefrontchurch
Is there another city in the world where the fact that this place exists would be so unremarkable?
#LosAngeles #LA #VermontAvenue #47thStreet #BubbasRestaurant #SalvadoranFood #AmericanFood #ComidaSalvadoreña #ComidaAmericana #Diners
#losangeles #la #vermontavenue #47thstreet #bubbasrestaurant #salvadoranfood #americanfood #comidasalvadorena #comidaamericana #diners