R to @ShouraHashemi: #SamanSeydi (#SamanYasin)
Auch einen herzlichen Dank an diese Patinnen und Paten 🖤
#IranRevolution #IRGCterrorists • Quelle: https://tw.artemislena.eu/ShouraHashemi/status/1613604821130412060#m
#samanseydi #samanyasin #hazharhamidi #aminmehdishokrollahi #rezaarya #iranrevolution #irgcterrorists
RT @CarlosKasperMdB@twitter.com
I'm shocked about the news that #SamanYasin tried to kill himself. The suicide attempt was coursed by the inhuman prison conditions! This has to stop! I demand his immediate release from prison and access to adequate medical support.
#نه_به_اعدام #سامان_یاسین
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CarlosKasperMdB/status/1605581720278822914
#samanyasin #samanseydi #نه_به_اعدام #سامان_یاسین
#SamanSeydi (Yasin)
These are the names of protesters facing execution. Please hashtag any others in comments, boost, and post.
#sahandnourmohammadzadeh #hamidgharehasanlou #farzanehgharehasanlou #manouchehrmehmannavaz #parhamparvari #mahansedaratmadani #mohsenrezazadehgharagholou #abolfazlmehrihosseinhajilou #mohammadboroughani #saeedshirazi #samanseydi #mohammadghobadlou #stopexecutionsiniran
RT @AmnestyIran@twitter.com
#SamanSeydi (Yasin), a young rapper and protester from Iran’s persecuted Kurdish minority, has been moved from Evin Prison in Tehran to Raja’i Shahr prison in Karaj, sparking fears that his death sentence has been upheld and the authorities are preparing to execute him.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AmnestyIran/status/1602369615790837763
RT @Elquee@twitter.com
Jeden Tag mindestens eine weitere drohende Hinrichtung im Iran, das heißt jeden Tag etwas über einen weiteren jungen Menschen erfahren, dessen Leben oft nur wenig später einfach vorbei ist. Heute wird unter anderem um #SamanSeydi gebangt. #StopExecutionInIran #IranRevoIution
#samanseydi #stopexecutioniniran #IranRevoIution
#SamanSeydi (Yasin), a young rapper and protester from Iran’s persecuted Kurdish minority, has been moved from Evin Prison in Tehran to Raja’i Shahr prison in Karaj, sparking fears that his death sentence has been upheld and the authorities are preparing to execute him #stopexecutionsiniran
#samanseydi #stopexecutionsiniran
#SamanSeydi (Yasin), a young rapper and protester from Iran’s persecuted Kurdish minority, has been moved from Evin Prison in Tehran to Raja’i Shahr prison in Karaj, sparking fears that his death sentence has been upheld and the authorities are preparing to execute him.
RT @AmnestyIran@twitter.com
#SamanSeydi (Yasin), a young rapper and protester from Iran’s persecuted Kurdish minority, has been moved from Evin Prison in Tehran to Raja’i Shahr prison in Karaj, sparking fears that his death sentence has been upheld and the authorities are preparing to execute him.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AmnestyIran/status/1602369615790837763
RT @AmnestyIran@twitter.com
Authorities must immediately halt any plans to execute #SamanSeydi (Yasin) and quash the death sentence against him. His torture allegations must be criminally investigated and those responsible must be held accountable.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AmnestyIran/status/1602370026220261399
RT @AmnestyIran@twitter.com
#SamanSeydi (Yasin) had supported the protests in his Instagram stories & criticized the authorities through his political rap songs. His death sentence violates the right to life under international law which bans the death penalty for crimes not involving intentional killing.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AmnestyIran/status/1602369930560770055
RT @AmnestyIran@twitter.com
Amnesty International has received information that the authorities subjected #SamanSeydi to torture and other ill-treatment to extract forced “confessions” including through severe beatings and forced exposure to extreme cold.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AmnestyIran/status/1602369832275644441
RT @AmnestyIran@twitter.com
#SamanSeydi (Yasin), a young rapper and protester from Iran’s persecuted Kurdish minority, has been moved from Evin Prison in Tehran to Raja’i Shahr prison in Karaj, sparking fears that his death sentence has been upheld and the authorities are preparing to execute him.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AmnestyIran/status/1602369615790837763
RT @__Injaneb96@twitter.com
#SamanSeydi's dad is begging people to help his son. He's in danger and has high chance of getting executed. Saman is innocent!
Please be his voice.
#IranRevolution #MahsaAmini
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/__Injaneb96/status/1600584752221851648
#samanseydi #iranrevolution #MahsaAmini
Make them stars.
#saytheirnamestosavetheirlives #saytheirnames #hamidgharehasanlou #farzanehgharehasanlou #parhamparvari #sahandnourmohammadzadeh #armitaabbasi #niloufarhamedi #elahemohammadi #toomaj_salehi #toomajsalehi #samanseydi #elhamchobdar #elhamchoubdar #zahrasedighihamedani #FreeIran
#saytheirnamestosavetheirlives #saytheirnames #hamidgharehasanlou #farzanehgharehasanlou #parhamparvari #sahandnourmohammadzadeh #armitaabbasi #niloufarhamedi #elahemohammadi #toomaj_salehi #toomajsalehi #samanseydi #elhamchobdar #elhamchoubdar #zahrasedighihamedani #freeiran
Say their names to save their lifes
#stopexecutionsiniran #mohammadghobadloo #samanseydi #mohsenrezazadehgharaghloo #saeedshirazi #mohammadbroghani #abolfazlmehrihosseinhajiloo #manoochehrmehmannavaz
RT @AmnestyDdorf@twitter.com
9 Menschen in Schauprozess im #Iran zum Tode verurteilt weil sie ihr #RechtAufProtest ausübten:
#SamanSeydi #SaeidShirazi #MohammadGhobadlou #MohammadBeroghani #AbbasDaris #MohsenRezazadeh #ManouchehrMehmannavaz
#StopExecutionsInIran #اعدام_نکنید
#مهسا_امینی https://twitter.com/SepidehMoafi/status/1587832334899978243
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AmnestyDdorf/status/1588188572452290563
#مهسا_امینی #iranrevolution #اعدام_نکنید #StopExecutionsInIran #manouchehrmehmannavaz #mohsenrezazadeh #AbbasDaris #mohammadberoghani #mohammadghobadlou #saeidshirazi #samanseydi #rechtaufprotest #iran
#IranProtests2022 #IranianProtests2022 #IranRevolution2022 #IranRevolution2022
RT @AmnestyDdorf@twitter.com
9 Menschen in Schauprozess im #Iran zum Tode verurteilt weil sie ihr #RechtAufProtest ausübten:
#SamanSeydi #SaeidShirazi #MohammadGhobadlou #MohammadBeroghani #AbbasDaris #MohsenRezazadeh #ManouchehrMehmannavaz
#StopExecutionsInIran #اعدام_نکنید
#مهسا_امینی https://twitter.com/SepidehMoafi/status/1587832334899978243
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AmnestyDdorf/status/1588188572452290563
#مهسا_امینی #iranrevolution #اعدام_نکنید #StopExecutionsInIran #manouchehrmehmannavaz #mohsenrezazadeh #AbbasDaris #mohammadberoghani #mohammadghobadlou #saeidshirazi #samanseydi #rechtaufprotest #iran #iranrevolution2022 #iranianprotests2022 #IranProtests2022