In this article, #SamanthaPower explains why the world’s autocrats are finally on the defensive. «But democracies will regain momentum only if we learn from the past and adapt our strategies.»
'How #democracy can win',
by Samanta Power via #ForeignAffairs
#samanthapower #democracy #foreignaffairs
Inwiefern zur rechten Zeit?
Btw: Hast Du von der Anti-LGBT-Konferenz gehört, die in diesen Tagen in #WashingtonDC stattfindet, und an der neben den üblichen Rechten auch US-Demokrat*innen teilnehmen, darunter #SamanthaPower (Head der Entwicklungshilfebehörde #USAid)?
#usaid #samanthapower #washingtondc
Democrats to Speak Alongside Anti-LGBTQ Extremists at DC Summit
> "Mainstream U.S. politicians including Samantha Power, head of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), will mix with anti-LGBTQ extremists at this year’s International Religious Freedom Summit (IRFS) in Washington, D.C., set to begin on Jan. 31."
Why do Democrats have to pander to the far-right clientele in the country, giving them even more tailwind?
#USPol #FamilyResearchCouncil #FRC #AllianceDefendingFreedom #ADF #SamanthaPower #USAid #GregoryMeeks #TonyPerkins #AlanSears #JeremyTedesco #AntiLGBTQ #AntiMuslim
#antimuslim #antilgbtq #jeremytedesco #alansears #tonyperkins #gregorymeeks #usaid #samanthapower #adf #alliancedefendingfreedom #frc #familyresearchcouncil #uspol
Morning Joe gets it right twice a day. Here is their take on the new #tiktok legislation, takoing aim at #China and the #CCP #surveillance for #infosec reasons right after the interview with #samanthapower who is currently running #usaid
#tiktok #China #ccp #surveillance #InfoSec #samanthapower #usaid
🇺🇸 #Biden place #SamanthaPower à la tête d’ #USAid
Officiellement, l’agence œuvre pour le développement international. Elle est surtout un outil du #softpower US qui a déjà été impliqué dans des opérations de « regime change ». (...)théoricienne de l’ingérence humanitaire et du changement de régime. Elle était une membre de poids du Conseil national de sécurité, puis ambassadeur à l’ONU sous Obama. Elle est connue comme une interventionniste de choc.(...)
#biden #samanthapower #usaid #softpower