Kürt Rap Sanatçısı Saman Yasin, sömürgeci İran devleti tarafından cezaevinde işkence yapılıyor.
Yasin’e ses verelim, bu zulme durduralım!
Kürt Rap Sanatçısı Saman Yasin, sömürgeci İran devleti tarafından cezaevinde işkence yapılıyor.
Yasin’e ses verelim, bu zulme durduralım!
Saman Yasin an Iranian-Kurdish rapper who has been unjustly imprisoned by the IRGC since Oct 2nd, 2022.
He is at imminent risk of the death penalty and has been subjected to torture and mutilation so severe he attempted suicide while in prison.
Be his voice.
#IranRevoIution #IRGCterrorists #SamanYasin #StopExecutionsInIran
#سامان_یاسین #stopexecutionsiniran #samanyasin #IRGCTerrorists #iranrevoiution
#ShervinHajipour has won the Best Song for Social Change Award at the #Grammys2023 for his song ‘Baraye’. This is an amazing accomplishment, but 3 Iranian rappers #ToomajSalehi, #SamanYasin and #BehradAliKonari are in Islamic Republic’s perison and their lives are in imminent danger.
#shervinhajipour #grammys2023 #toomajsalehi #samanyasin #behradalikonari #mahsaamini #IranRevolution #womenlifefreedom
R to @ShouraHashemi: #SamanSeydi (#SamanYasin)
Auch einen herzlichen Dank an diese Patinnen und Paten 🖤
#IranRevolution #IRGCterrorists • Quelle: https://tw.artemislena.eu/ShouraHashemi/status/1613604821130412060#m
#samanseydi #samanyasin #hazharhamidi #aminmehdishokrollahi #rezaarya #iranrevolution #irgcterrorists
RT @YeOne_Rhie@twitter.com
Thank you Tigrrez Punch for supporting #SamanYasin and #ToomajSalehi. #StopExecutionInIran #HowHealthyIsToomajReally https://twitter.com/pen_berlin/status/1612568670579957762
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/YeOne_Rhie/status/1612570311928565769
#howhealthyistoomajreally #stopexecutioniniran #toomajsalehi #samanyasin
#IranRevoIution #IranRevoIution2023
RT @YeOne_Rhie@twitter.com
Thank you Tigrrez Punch for supporting #SamanYasin and #ToomajSalehi. #StopExecutionInIran #HowHealthyIsToomajReally https://twitter.com/pen_berlin/status/1612568670579957762
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/YeOne_Rhie/status/1612570311928565769
#howhealthyistoomajreally #stopexecutioniniran #toomajsalehi #samanyasin #iranrevoiution2023 #iranrevoiution
Toomaj Salehi is an Iranian rapper who has been charged with "Corruption on Earth" for his track "The Blind Spot". His supporters say he's been tortured in prison and has a gunshot wound. Toomaj isn't the only Iranian rapper under threat of the death penalty for offending the government.
Music video for The Blind Spot with English subs.
#Rap #HipHop #Iran #ToomajSalehi #SamanYasin #BehradAliKonari
#behradalikonari #samanyasin #toomajsalehi #iran #hiphop #rap
Der oberste Gerichtshof hat auf einen Antrag der Verteidiger von #SamanYasin festgestellt, dass die Beweisführung unzureichend war. Zwar muss das Verfahren neu aufgerollt werden aber das ist ein großer erster Sieg der zeigt, was internationale Aufmerksamkeit bringt! • Source: https://nitter.pussthecat.org/DastanJasim/status/1607160454333493250#m
Iranian rapper Saman Yasin's appeal against the death penalty has been successful.
However, the appeal of another protester, Mohammad Qobadloo, has been rejected, despite the supreme court previously having apparently announced it also was allowed.
#SamanYasin #MohammadQobadloo #DeathPenalty
#Iran #IranProtests2022 #MahsaAmini
#samanyasin #mohammadqobadloo #deathpenalty #iran #iranprotests2022 #mahsaamini
The latest The nofrills Daily! https://paper.li/nofrills?edition_id=696148a0-81f4-11ed-967d-fa163e65ae25 Thanks to @t_gordau@twitter.com @ShahdAbusalama@twitter.com @mutludc@twitter.com #samanyasin
RT @omid9@twitter.com
#SamanYasin is one of the hip hop artistes currently awaiting execution in IRI mentioned on @mrjamesob@twitter.com
‘Suicide attempt’ is regime code for ‘pills forced down his throat’
So how did he get so many pills to kill himself when prisoners can’t get medication for anything?
#OpIran https://twitter.com/sima_sabet/status/1605629257811533827
RT @omid9@twitter.com
#SamanYasin is one of the hip hop artistes currently awaiting execution in IRI mentioned on @mrjamesob@twitter.com
‘Suicide attempt’ is regime code for ‘pills forced down his throat’
So how did he get so many pills to kill himself when prisoners can’t get medication for anything?
#OpIran https://twitter.com/sima_sabet/status/1605629257811533827
RT @mutludc@twitter.com
In Iran, Kurdish Rapper Sentenced To Death Based On False Evidence #SamanYasin https://www.memri.org/reports/iran-kurdish-rapper-sentenced-death-based-false-evidence
RT @MarianoGiustino@twitter.com
ULTIM'ORA:Ha tentato il suicidio il noto rapper curdo #SamanYasin,lo riferisce il Kurdistan Human Rights Network. Yasin ha ingerito un gran numero di pillole perché non sopporta le brutali torture e la durissima detenzione. La Rep. islamica è minaccia per l'umanità
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarianoGiustino/status/1605717266208784387
Düten Tekkal auf Twitter:
"Der vom Mullah-Regime zum Tode verurteilte kurdische Rapper #SamanYasin hat versucht, sich in der Haft das Leben zu nehmen, durch eine Überdosis an Medikamenten. Wir müssen weiter Samans Stimme sein! Er muss sofort freigelassen werden! "
RT @CarlosKasperMdB@twitter.com
I'm shocked about the news that #SamanYasin tried to kill himself. The suicide attempt was coursed by the inhuman prison conditions! This has to stop! I demand his immediate release from prison and access to adequate medical support.
#نه_به_اعدام #سامان_یاسین
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CarlosKasperMdB/status/1605581720278822914
#samanyasin #samanseydi #نه_به_اعدام #سامان_یاسین
RT @susanzare_de@twitter.com
Letzte Nacht soll der zum Tode verurteilte Künstler #SamanYasin versucht haben sich das Leben zu nehmen. @KurdistanHRN@twitter.com Er wurde nach Suizidversuch & nach kurzem Aufenthalt in Krankenstation wieder in Zelle verlegt. Er soll unter Haftbedingungen&Zustand leiden #StopExecutionInIran
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/susanzare_de/status/1605591506856853504
#samanyasin #stopexecutioniniran