Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
993 followers · 4591 posts · Server

Many of those who've argued most enthusiastically about getting journalists onto Mastodon paint a picture of them that I don't share, at least not completely. I'm very critical of most of them, but obviously not all. I enjoy listeing to ten Sky News broadcasters, top of my list being and Sophy ; can't remember the names of all the rest as they don't get as much airtime as they deserve. But we should entice even journalists we dislike. Let's criticize them, diplomatically.

#samcoates #ridge

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
966 followers · 4508 posts · Server

I'm really looking forward to Sophy 's interviews this morning. And 's take on what Liz Truss and Boris Johnson is doing. I think both will find it hard to keep a straight face while discussing Liz Truss. I find their plotting comebacks as absolutely hilarious. I think Tory MPs have reached the stage where they know they're facing electoral armageddon. Given that they're just settling old scores. They're pre demob happy. They're zombies eating the insides of each others heads.

#ridge #samcoates

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
962 followers · 4495 posts · Server

Btw, in addition following anyone using the hashtag today, I'll be watching Sophy 's one and a half hours of interviews, with her sidekick, @SkyNewsBot's deputy political editor . I'd watch it just to hear what they've got to say. But this week they've actually got a decent guest: Matt Wrack. I suggest all socialists watch it live if possible, starts at 8:30am, or on catch up. Use the hashtag to exchange ideas on how to take on every shade of Tories.

#socialistsunday #ridge #samcoates

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
930 followers · 4376 posts · Server

As Sam Coates points out, Nadhim Zahawi's 'resigntation' letter didn't apologize for doing the things that got him sacked. Additionally, he's explicitly attacked the press that exposed his wrong doing, especially attacked the paper that began exposing his behavior. I agree with : Zahawi's career is going to end. Sam is less definite about that than I am.


Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
930 followers · 4375 posts · Server

Sam Coates being brilliant again.


Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
922 followers · 4312 posts · Server

I've so little confidence in UK's msm broadcasters that I rarely enjoy any news or politics programs. I've been so disappointed for so long that I've basically boycotted virtually all of it. I knew I liked Sophy , or have done for about a year after she went through a bad patch. But she's been excellent. I so wish she had a Mastodon account so I and others could not just Boost her, but offer any constructive criticism if we feel we need to do that. Same goes for .

#ridge #samcoates

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
922 followers · 4310 posts · Server

I watched and Sophy on the Take first. But I've got round to watching her one hour program and she's doing an excellent job. Everyone should watch this if they can.

#samcoates #ridge

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
922 followers · 4307 posts · Server

I want on Mastodon asap. But I'm happy to offer him constructive criticism wherever I can. Since he's not here I'll suggest to him that his explanation for why Rishi Sunak's govt won't negotiate over this years pay doesn't work. The question is who is to blame for NHS strikes. If Sunak doesn't like what Unite's asking for they should offer workers something lower which members might accept. In other words, he WANTS these strikes. The question is: why?

#samcoates #socialistsunday #ridge

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
922 followers · 4306 posts · Server

Anyone who reads my posts on Mastodon will know how big a fan I am of @SkyNewsBot's deputy political editor, . However, I just caught the last few minutes of Sophy 's program, the Take. And he, imho, got something a bit wrong. He challenged Unite's general secretary on the govt's behavior. She offered 3 possibilities and Sam suggested another. He said maybe the govt just doesn't want to settle the pay dispute on Unite's terms. But that does NOT explain why they won't discuss pay.

#samcoates #ridge

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
922 followers · 4301 posts · Server

Only just out of bed. Missed one of the few politics programs I look forward to Sophy 's show and even more the following one which includes her and . Watching now. Very impressed, as usual. Hope both set up Mastodon accounts asap, and I hope their network does too: .

#ridge #samcoates #skynews

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
900 followers · 4163 posts · Server

Someone said on Sky News this morning - I think it was Liz Bates - that while many MPs asked about 's items was a good thing, once the cameras got switched off they told Sky News what they really think: they're angry. This is excellent. Keir Starmer is as angry as Rishi Sunak is: both of them are funded by strike breaking rich businessmen. Both want to crush trade unionists. Neither is worthy of my vote.

#samcoates #westminsteraccounts #enoughisenough #socialistsunday #ridge

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
896 followers · 4118 posts · Server

Sophy did an excellent job. Her colleague who stood in for this week did not. She is another msm 'jouralist' who has simply become a cheerleader for Keir Starmer. Sky News has quite a few such people, including Beth Rigby and Kay Burley. But, unlike all the other news channels they've got as many as ten journalists challenging both Tories and Keir Starmer. Those are real journalists. Voters won't accept a a choice of so called 'lesser evil'.

#ridge #samcoates #enoughisenough #socialistsunday

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
895 followers · 4117 posts · Server

Keir Starmer's supporters have been getting away with murder in the msm. Broadcasters haven't done their job. Thankfully Sophy and don't play by these rules. Both expose the massive weaknesses in this so called opposition as much as they do Rishi Sunak's supporters and all the warring factions within the Tory Party.

#ridge #samcoates #socialistsunday #enoughisenough

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
889 followers · 4071 posts · Server

I've spent a long time praising . His broadcasts are incredible and deserving of awards. However, do I never disagree with anything he says? Of course not. I've not spent any time drawing attention to any differences since he's not got a Mastodon account to allow him to tell me if he accepts my criticisms or why he disagrees. These differences are too narrow to focus on them at this stage. They are details. At a later date I may challenge something he says. Maybe.

#samcoates #westminsteraccounts

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
889 followers · 4068 posts · Server

Mastodon moderators want broadcasters and politicians to set up accounts here as much as I do. So this places responsibility on those who are critical of many of these people. We do need to temper how we engage with them. Another reason why I would take the rhetorical punching gloves off is to satisfy colleagues on the same network. won't be pleased if I behave like a troll to one of his colleagues, so I have no intention of doing that.

#samcoates #reasonabledebate

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
887 followers · 4050 posts · Server

If Sky News broadcasters join Mastodon, as I asked to today on birdsite, to amplify his message here as well as the other place, I'd regularly Boost almost everything about ten of them post, Sam being just the best of an excellent team. Would I attack journalists I dislike, for example? My answer to that is yes, and no. If you can't say anything nice, keep your gob shut? I'd consider just ignoring them. But I may engage with respect so as to give them no excuse to block me.

#samcoates #kayburley

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
883 followers · 4012 posts · Server

I think there's probably about ten Sky News broadcasters I like and follow on the other place. There's probably almost as many of their colleagues I really despise, or at least find very disappointing. The best is ; the worst probably Niall Paterson, but Sarah Jane Mee isn't much better. These days I think Sophy is probably my second favorite, but she's one who I've both liked and at other times blocked. I wish all the good ones were on Mastodon. I'd Boost them a lot.

#samcoates #ridge

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
883 followers · 4010 posts · Server
Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
873 followers · 3976 posts · Server

During one of his interviews with a colleague on Sky News yesterday or the day before, said we shouldn't rule out a general election this year. This is an interesting point. Given the state of the polls it would seem impossible Tory MPs would vote for an early election. However, that party is massively split. I don't rule out a significant number of MPs either joining Labour or else forming an even more right wing party. Boris Johnson is piling on the pressure. Tories may split in 2.


Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Delargy · @TomDelargy
865 followers · 3957 posts · Server This video from YouTube isn't easily accessible from 's site. Not sure if there's a political reason for that or something else. Hope it's available to Mastodon users. Spent some time on the other place retweeting lots of tweets. We need to encourage journalists of his caliber to set up accounts here asap.

#westminsteraccounts #elonmusk #samcoates

Last updated 2 years ago