Demo of my #microcontroller #SeeedXIAO
#samd21 based #synthesizer processed with #eurorackmodular
#microcontroller #seeedxiao #samd21 #synthesizer #eurorackmodular
Put my #SeeedXIAO #samd21 #diy #synthesizer in a temporary case made from a random cardboard box, to further work on its firmware.
#seeedxiao #samd21 #diy #synthesizer
I now have bunch of tiny #SAMD21 and #RP2040 dev boards.
In the picture you can see (left to right, top to bottom) an Adafruit QT-Py RP2040, a Waveshare RP2040-Zero, a Seeed Studio XIAO SAMD21 and an Adafruit QT-Py SAMD21.
I also plan on obtaining an Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040 for completeness sake.
The new tool chain is based on Great Scott Gadgets' apollo.
I did initial test with mkj's QT-Py port
But due to the chip shortage, #SAMD21 also weren't available for quite a while.
This gave me a good excuse to get more familiar with TinyUSB and resulted in an #RP2040 port of apollo.
So I devised a set-up to measure the internal 32 kHz crystal (OSC32K) characteristics, ie frequency and clock jitter. First I calibrated the clock of an audio recorder with a GPS time signal to find out it was sampling at EXACTLY 47998.519 Hz. I then recorded for almost an hour EACH one second tic the #SAMD21 produced (using the RTCZero #Arduino library).
Le graphique précédent est trompeur quand à l'évaluation du tressautement de l'horloge (clock jitter): il est basé sur l'horodatage des serial.println() dans l'IDE Arduino alors que le débit de l'interface série était réglée à 9600 bauds 🤦♂️ La précision affichée à la milliseconde près est factice... #samd21
Oyez, oyez: un nouvel ajout au journal de bord de mon projet #audiosync #video #arduino #samd21 #gps
#gps #samd21 #arduino #video #audiosync