#Hure ❤ Offenbach Am Main Sami Ganz Neu Bei Xuxu Latinas Deluxe - Ladies DE - #Ladies_DE https://m.ladies.de/sex-anzeigen/huren-hostessen/offenbach-am-main-sami-ganz-neu-bei-xuxu-latinas-deluxe-11715503 - Neue #Huren #Hostessen #Offenbach #Am #Main #Sami #Ganz #Neu #Bei #Xuxu #Latinas #Deluxe - Sexanzeigen auf Ladies.de, Deutschlands grossem #Sex Anzeigen Forum https://kollegin.eu/@Ladies_DE/tagged/Hure
#Hure #ladies_de #huren #hostessen #offenbach #Am #Main #sami #Ganz #neu #bei #Xuxu #Latinas #deluxe #sex
@jukselapp #Midjourney is no better with #Indigenous people than #stablediffusion. Whenever I've asked it to make #Sámi people, I tend to get people who look like a mix of Sámi, Inuit, Viking, Churchill, and Elf.
#midjourney #indigenous #stablediffusion #sami
Áhkká, by Pauline Hogstrand https://paulinehogstrand.bandcamp.com/album/hkk?from=embed
"Áhkká" by Pauline Hogstrand - Atmospheric and dreamy folk from a Sámi-Swedish duo. Listen to their beautiful debut album on Bandcamp! #Folk #Dreamy #Sami #Swedish #Atmospheric #Debut #Album #Music #Listen
#folk #dreamy #sami #swedish #atmospheric #debut #album #music #listen
The lecture focuses on
- The importance of trad land and sea use for the survival of #Indigenous Sámi culture.
- #Norwegianization (#assimilation policy against the #Sámi of #Norway
- Conflict over natural resources as a constant theme and an unsolved issue in Norwegian-Sámi relations.
- The #history of Sámi counter-mobilization.
Images: Oslo 2023, Alta 1981.
#indigenous #norwegianization #assimilation #sami #norway #history
A job somewhat out of the ordinary today: contributing to editing my own video lecture.
The National Library of #Norway commissioned my institute NIBR at #OsloMet University to have me record a 30 minute video.
Task: Help high school students get an overview of #Sámi and #Norwegian history that will allow them to better understand why the temperature is so high in conflicts between the Norwegian government and #Indigenous Sámi over natural resources.
#norway #OsloMet #sami #norwegian #indigenous #academia #academicmastodon #histodons
Glacier is goasstejiegŋa, 'old ice', in Lule Sámi and jiehkki in North Sámi.
Episode 2 of the Dáiddadállu Podcast: "Art is our knife?"
Beaska Niillas invites Juno Berthelsen, Qivioq Løvstrøm and Stina Aletta Aikio to an exploration of the knife metaphor in regards to #IndigenousArt.
Listen in as they discuss the different levels of how #IndigenousActivism might relate to our artists and #art In other words; is art as our knife a weapon or can it also be a tool?
#Sápmi #Sámi #Inuit #KalaalitNunaat #IndigenousPolitics #Indigenous
#indigenousart #indigenousactivism #art #sapmi #sami #inuit #kalaalitnunaat #indigenouspolitics #indigenous
Episode 1 of the Dáiddadállu Podcast: "What makes #Indigenous artists tick?"
Dine Arnannguaq Fenger Lynge talks with Beaska Niillas, Juno Berthelsen, Qivioq Løvstrøm and Stina Aletta Aikio.
With backgrounds ranging from the Deatnu riverside to Nuuk in Greenland and #IndigenousPolitics to spacial arts, Beaska, Berthelsen, Løvstrøm and Aikio, open up about what has driven them to their professions.
#indigenous #indigenouspolitics #indigenousart #sapmi #sami #kalaallitnunaat #inuit
"Herein lies the most essential core of the aesthetic act of being mindful, particularly in contact with — in contract with—our Mother the earth. It is the particular role of Indigenous peoples to remind the rest of humanity of this crucial idea without which we cannot hope to survive."
- Harald Gaski, in Sami Art and Aesthetics (2016).
#environment #arctic #sami #indigenous
On #IndigenousPeoplesDay two #Indigenous #game releases announced:
1 Award winning #Sámi PC game "Skábma" launched on among others #Playstation, #XBox and #Switch / #NintendoSwitch!
2 New chapter released for Sámi mobile #appgame "Raanaa" (pictured).
Both games are based on Sámi #mythology and folklore, and have young #noaidi ("shaman") protagonists.
Skábma / Snowfall: https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/skabma-snowfall-switch/
Raanaa: https://youtu.be/PuBzUT3XR7k
#indigenous #gaming #sami #playstation #xbox #switch #nintendoswitch #appgame #mythology #noaidi #indigenousgames #indigenousgaming #indigenouspeoplesday #game
The #Melkøya project is announced in a year that has seen the sharpest conflicts between #Indigenous #Sámi and the government of #Norway in four decades.
Large-scale protests have been taking place due to the government's failure to act after Supreme Court ruled that a #windturbine plant built on reindeer herding lands at #Fosen was illegal due to violating the #humanrights of local Sámi #reindeerherders.
#Melkøya is set to worsen these conflicts.
#melkoya #indigenous #sami #norway #windturbine #fosen #humanrights #reindeerherders
Reindeer herding #Sámi at Fálá, Finnmark. Inga Karen Anne M. Sara, Marit Kirsten Sara Triumf. Photo taken by the #Japanese photographer Koji Tsuda who travelled #Sápmi in the 1970s and 1980s.
#samisk #Indigenous #allheimen
#sami #japanese #sapmi #samisk #indigenous #allheimen
@daviddlevine In Sweden we've dealt with another transition: old established but ad hoc renderings of Sámi place names have been changed into correct Sámi orthography. A few weeks from now my kids and I are hiking to a place named Kårsavagge on old maps, Górsavaggi on new ones.
In this Interview they discuss much about the Sami Tribe and its traditions, the struggles they face today in modern culture and what we can do about it. Even though, and as with many things, there are troubling signs in our world and cultures, there is hope through awakening to change this planet. Connecting with each other and the earth. #sapmi #sami #saami
Jungle Svonni (Sami Shaman) 2022 #reindeerherding #nomadicstatus #indigenous
#sapmi #sami #saami #reindeerherding #nomadicstatus #indigenous
The #Sami people are Europe's only "approved" indigenuous people. And a very interesting one. We've visited two cultural centers and museums and it's really cool. They have an oral culture, and art is part of everything. Thus no objects of art were necessary. "Leave trails/traces inside people." And they have eight seasons, not four. Nice.
Uyaraq on stage at #RidduRiđđu #Indigenous festival in Olmmáivággi, #Sapmi
#ridduriddu #indigenous #sapmi #sami #inuit
Endelig tilbake på Riddu Riđđu etter 11 år! Tenkte jeg for første gang skulle være kun betalende gjest, men sånn gikk no d 🙂 Skal lede et par diskusjoner på fredag og lørdag om kunst, sannhet og forsoning.
Riksgrense-området mellom Norge og Sverige på #Ofotbanen. Grense dratt gjennom #Sápmi i 1751. Bilde tatt i området Ábeskovvu (sjøskogen), som på svensk/norsk kalles "#Abisko." Fjellformasjonen th er Čuonjávággi (gåsdalen) som svenskene kaller "Lapp-porten."
#ofotbanen #sapmi #abisko #reisetut #Norsktut #sami
@troglodyt Maria Israelsson has been looking into the Offerholmen #Indigenous #Sámi sacrificial stones (sieidi) at #Skansen for some time. She kindly sent me some photos from the archives of the Nordic Museum. Here, the stones, along with reindeer horns, can be seen om the islet.
According to Israelsson, the sieidis appear to have gotten #repatriation before 1911.
#indigenous #sami #skansen #repatriation #stockholm #stuehkie #histodons