55 years ago:
Spray of the Days (FR)
Original title: L'écume des jours
Chick fell in love with Alise because of a shared passion for writer Jean-Sol Partre who gradually devoured their relationship. Soon after, Colin, the main character, also falls in love with a young girl, Chloe, but after their marriage she soon suffers from a strange illness: a water lily grows in ...
#SprayoftheDays #JacquesPerrin #MarieFrancePisier #SamiFrey
#sprayofthedays #jacquesperrin #mariefrancepisier #samifrey
45 years ago:
Une page d'amour (BE)
François, a Jewish lad, works for an insurance company and is engaged to a Jewish girl. His world is very ordered and secure and perhaps feels a bit claustrophobic. When he observes that a murderer has been declared psychologically incompetent and is to be placed in a mental institution, probably fo...
#Unepagedamour #GeraldineChaplin #SamiFrey #MarcelDalio #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#unepagedamour #geraldinechaplin #samifrey #marceldalio #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
57 years ago:
Angelique and the King (FR,IT,DE)
Original title: Angélique et le roy
Soon after her latest husband death, the King himself (Louis XIV) meets with our heroine and begs her to help convince the Persian Ambassador to agree to a treaty. However, what they didn't realize was that the handsome Persian was in fact a sexual sadist. So, it is up to the King's half- brother, s...
#AngeliqueandtheKing #MichleMercier #RobertHossein #SamiFrey
#angeliqueandtheking #michlemercier #roberthossein #samifrey
Il y a tout juste 15 ans : on a vu Sami Frey lit Samuel Beckett
Cap au Pire est une des dernières œuvres de Samuel Beckett. Un texte plein d'une douleur mis en mots à un moment où ... Suite sur https://www.bigorre.org/publication/2008-01-25_sami-frey-lit-samuel-beckett @samifrey #samifrey @beckett #beckett @tarbestheatredesnouveautes #tarbes <img src="https://www.bigorre.org/imgl/20080125_sami_frey_cap_au_pire.jpg" alt="Sami Frey lit Samuel Beckett">
https://www.bigorre.org/publication/2008-01-25_sami-frey-lit-samuel-beckett vii