For what it's worth the process is rather simple if you have a frothing wand.
One egg yolk
¾ cup oil
Start whisking the egg yolk and add oil a drop at a time until the emulsion comes together, then add oil faster.
Thanks to #SaminNosrat and #SaltFatAcidHeat for the recipe, heh.
#SaminNosrat mentions para-social relationships that folks often have with celebrities, and I immediately realized that's what I have with her.
At the very least, I'd love to be that friend that reminds you of her.
This was a great listen:
Y’all… Y’ALL!!! The Normal Gossip podcast is BACK and the first guest is Samin Nosrat!!! You know, “Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat” chef extraordinaire… she of the joyous giggle when she cohosted Home Cooking with Hrishi Hirway!!
Anyway, go listen if you need something fun and not stressful for an hour or so!
#podcasts #saminnosrat #NormalGossip #normalgossippodcast
My late-December book haul, in no particular order! Thanks to #ThirdPlaceBooks and #PowellsCityOfBooks (Not shown b/c they won't fit in frame: Python Crash Course, 2nd ed. and 2 fractal coloring books. Also, still waiting on a delivery. The package went for a little tour. I'm hoping to get my Tarot del Toro by my birthday.)
@mikechenwriter @neilhimself are the only two currently on Mastodon.
#NKJemisin #CJCherryh #GuyGavrielKay #TenochHuerta #IbramXKendi #SaminNosrat #tsundoku
#nkjemisin #cjcherryh #guygavrielkay #tenochhuerta #IbramXKendi #saminnosrat #thirdplacebooks #powellscityofbooks #tsundoku