Inga Leonora · @IngaLeonora
35 followers · 186 posts · Server

I haven't seen 'Frozen II', but I have it on my list. It's important to remember that colonialism is a global system (of systems) that is ongoing, AND ongoing in Europe (and not just with the Sámi). Check out Hoot's video as she breaks down the good and the bad, attempts and misfires of Disney's follow-up to the mega-hit 'Frozen'. It's a great video, you should watch it, and you should do it because tomorrow (February 6) is Sámi National Day. And cultural learnings are never wrong. Lots of resources in the video description as well.

#saminationalday #sami #sampi #Landback #disney #frozen #frozen2 #firstnations

Last updated 2 years ago

saamicouncil's callout:


The Swedish government has just announced plans to open a new mine in Giron/Kiruna in pursuit of rare earth minerals for the European market. This announcement was made during Sweden's first EU presidency meeting, with the projected earnings being touted as a billion dollar bonanza for the Swedish state.

However, it is important to note that the area of Kiruna has been heavily exploited by the mining industry for over a century. The proposed mine will divide a traditional area for Saami reindeer herding in Kiruna, effectively rendering their right to exercise their culture null and void.

The justification for the mine is the conversion to a "green" economy and geopolitics.

The exploitation of our territories for the sake of "green economy" projects is a pervasive issue. The Saami lands are being disproportionately affected, with our land resources being used to justify and greenwash the unsustainable consumption habits of the Western world.

Please help us spread awareness on this issue.
✋ Stop green colonialism! ✋

📰 Are you a media representative who wishes to report on this issue? Please contact us for further details, either through DM or via mail:

#sampi #indigenous #anticolonialism #sweden #saami #anticolonial

Last updated 2 years ago