Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1503 followers · 4415 posts · Server mastodon.scot


The first thing I would try is muting the , leaving all the other settings the same, rendering a silent version of the same track, uploading it, and checking if the hum persists. If so, then the problem is probably somewhere in your chain, and you can start making minor tweaks, one at a time, to find the culprit by process of elimination. Some examples of minor tweaks I'd try:
- the and (e.g. 48/24)
- the settings (e.g. on/off, type/style, etc.)
- the file type (e.g. , , , )

I hope that helps, but if it doesn't, you should probably reach out to support.

#masterbus #rendering #samplerate #bitdepth #dithering #wav #aiff #flac #ALAC #bandcamp

Last updated 2 years ago

Elwin van Eede · @elwinvaneede
86 followers · 54 posts · Server mas.to

It’s really annoying that Apple Music Lossless on macOS doesn’t automatically change the sample rate of an external DAC. This great application by @vincentneo alleviates this: github.com/vincentneo/Lossless

#samplerate #dac #losslessmusic #macos #applemusic #hifi

Last updated 2 years ago