I've never seen a #Fairlight #CMI—the OG of all #samplers—in person. But I saw this footage of Peter Vogel demonstrating the CMI when I was an #EE undergrad in the early 1980s.
I attribute the CMI for seeding my life-long fascination with #DSP.
#dsp #ee #samplers #cmi #Fairlight
Lots of new additions to https://linuxdaw.org/, #effects, #samplers, #synths, etc. 🥳️😜️ #plugins #proaudio #linuxaudio #linuxdaw #linux #musicproduction
#MusicProduction #Linux #linuxdaw #LinuxAudio #proaudio #plugins #synths #samplers #effects
@folkartmuseum Our exhibition (and catalogue) "Georgia's Girlhood Embroidery: 'Crowned with Glory and Immortality'" (from 2015) went into some of the stories of girls who made samplers in early Georgia. The book that resulted was the first one to cover Georgia as a topic and continues to sell well, eight years later. Pick up a copy at
#Samplers #GirlhoodEmbroidery #GeorgiaMuseumOfArt #EarlyGeorgiaHistory
#samplers #girlhoodembroidery #georgiamuseumofart #earlygeorgiahistory
If you’re interested in music making with an #Amiga, sampling and tracked music, cTrix made this video and it’s the best I’ve seen on the topic. It’s so interesting and well done! It was really like this. #trackedmusic #protracker #samplers https://youtu.be/i9MXYZh1jcs
#samplers #protracker #trackedmusic #amiga
If you’re interested in music making with an #Amiga, sampling and trackers, cTrix made this video and it’s the best I’ve seen on the topic. It’s so interesting and well done! It was really like this. #trackedmusic #protracker #samplers https://youtu.be/i9MXYZh1jcs
#samplers #protracker #trackedmusic #amiga
Damn, the new Digitakt OS upgrade is immense! #Synth #Music #electronica #samplers
#samplers #electronica #music #synth
The rhythm section: Roland TR-8s, Elektron Digitakt and Syntakt. #elektron #roland #syntact #digitakt #tr-8s #drummachine #drummachines #samplers #synthesizers
#elektron #roland #syntact #digitakt #TR #drummachine #drummachines #samplers #synthesizers
BTW - for all users of older devices that still use a 3.5" 'floppy' disc.. This looks like an awesome solution...
Specifically: https://www.plrelectronics.com/floppy-to-usb-faq-page/
#Ensoniq #EnsoniqEPS #EnsoniqASR10
#daw #digitalaudio #midi #midikeyboards #midigear #musicproduction #samplers #sequencers #ensoniq #ensoniqeps #ensoniqasr10 #embroidery #embroiderymachines #cnc #cncmachines
Optimized the live rig #mpc #mpclive2 #arturia #minifreak #Syntheziser #samplers
#mpc #mpclive2 #arturia #minifreak #Syntheziser #samplers
10-15 years ago you could pick up old hardware samplers for daft cheap prices (back when Gigasampler was a thing). Now they're vintage,desirable and more expensive (& probably less reliable).
To rebuy the Emu Emax I played back in the day probably now costs close to three quarters of what it cost when new.
#music #vintage #MusicGear #Samplers
#music #vintage #musicgear #samplers
I don't know, you tell me, does this track have big kitchen energy?
#jamuary (30) #foundsound #samplers #daw #trance
funkwhale - https://open.audio/library/tracks/382713/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoDc_R9AUUv/
YouTube - https://youtu.be/Sn_6IL4dk00
#jamuary #foundsound #samplers #daw #trance
Finally racked up my samplers. This is not the final place — sitting them on the floor is dumb — but at least they’re somewhat accessible. Also! Finally got a EB16 FX card for the s3000xl too. Now all I need is… more ram and a SCSI CD drive. Upgrading old gear is fun #akaipro #s3000xl #samplers #synthesizers
#akaipro #s3000xl #samplers #synthesizers
Some cool MF Doom footage talking about Alesis drum machines and the Akai MPC60.
#MFDoom #Alesis #Akai #AlesisHR16 #AkaiMPC60 #DrumMachines #Samplers #HipHop
#hiphop #samplers #DrumMachines #akaimpc60 #alesishr16 #akai #Alesis #mfdoom
I have #webcomnic on some parts of my time at Fairlight here: https://www.artandtechnology.com.au/zen/?p=1
#history #synthezisers #samplers #music #webcomnic
Great #techno Monday to ya all!❤️❤️
#Technomix #TechnoMastodon #darktechno #housemusice #technotrack #technohousemix #polyend #polyendtracker #samplers
#techno #technomix #TechnoMastodon #darktechno #housemusice #technotrack #technohousemix #polyend #polyendtracker #samplers
Me interesa #Linux el #SoftwareLibre y #Ciberseguridad
Y en @marcodeluto estaré hablando de #Musica #Sampling #HipHop y de cacharros como #Samplers y #synth
Un besito
#Introduccion #linux #SoftwareLibre #ciberseguridad #musica #sampling #hiphop #samplers #synth
https://sonicware.jp/pages/liven-lofi12 This thing looks rad! #samplers #sampling #oldschool
#samplers #sampling #oldschool