Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
484 followers · 1709 posts · Server
Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
482 followers · 1600 posts · Server

I watched on Netflix. I think the story would have held up on its own without the gimmick. And the gimmick robs (har) some of the plot points of their emotional repercussions. Because any episode can be the end episode, none of them is treated like one and emotionally I found that a bit unsatisfying.
The cast is lovely and diverse though.

#kaleidoscope #reviews #tv #cinemastodon #samssofaplex

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
442 followers · 1407 posts · Server

Ja, natürlich ist Ravenous jetzt nicht mehr auf Disney+, wo wir ihn endlich gemeinsam schauen wollen. Menno! <grummel>

#cinemastodon #samssofaplex

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
415 followers · 1216 posts · Server

I watched the docu "No Way to Make a living: A Look back at The Frighteners". I loved the content. Hated how it was presented.

We are in the third year of the pandemic. We are all used to seeing interviews with wonderful people in crappy video quality by now. There is no need trying to "hide" that crappy quality by adding hideous, ten times worse flashes and fake video lines on top as well. Some of the interviews are barely watchable because the screen keeps flashing like a disco. I understand that giving each cut to a still a little optical cue with a flash is neat, but watch it in context before sending out the docu, ffs! But really, adding flashes *over somebody talking* ? What for?
The documentary is really lovely and the interviews interesting, but this perplexing decision nearly made is unwatchable for me. 5/10

#cinemastodon #reviews #movies #samssofaplex #moviereview

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
407 followers · 1160 posts · Server

Forgot to write my longer review of #1899 as promised, sorry.

From watching this and Dark, you can already extrapolate the formula by which the makers of these series create them: various locations separated by time/space connected by dark tunnels, a mysterious dark stranger outside the construct with a mysterious device, some codes, some more devices, family tragedies and trauma, some dark colour filters, some good ideas, some very bad ideas, and in the end it amounts to something that is very atmospheric but doesn't really make all that much sense.

I watched this because it seemed like a period piece and the international cast appealed to me. But neither the setting nor the cast even have a reason, if you know the ending of the last episode. That's the problem with many of the things in this season: you have the feeling that you shouldn't really really think about them too hard or they won't make sense anymore.
There *are* things I really liked about this, especially the main character and the misdirect about who is pulling the strings, but all in all it felt like wasted time. 6/10

#tv #tvreviews #samssofaplex #reviews

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
407 followers · 1159 posts · Server

I watched and found it very annoying.
I always love the beginnings of things Steven Moffat writes, and then he thinks he must show off how clever he is and ruins it.
I get that the *point* of the story is something else, namely that everybody is capable of murdering somebody, given the right circumstances, and I think that point is well made. But then Moffat wraps it in a story that stumbles to annoyingly, that it tears the whole ending down somewhat.

Serious spoiler now:
the whole thing in the end hinges on that that the last person who has seen the missing tutor doesn't report her missing. Which is not a thing that happens! You can only report somebody missing if you *miss* them! Why would you report to the police that you *have* seen somebody?! They wouldn't know that she was missing until the next appointment. Ugh! <tears hair>

It's such a small thing, but it cheapens the whole ending.
And it also annoys me no end that they tease you the whole time about what happened to Tucci's wife, and then use that to set up a second season. Because of course they do.
Dolly Wells is amazing as always but even she was going on my nerves in the end. I should have sat this one out.

5/10 Streaming on Netflix

#insideman #reviews #tvreviews #samssofaplex

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
406 followers · 1129 posts · Server

I watched and recommend it. Quite gripping. Good to see a Muslim woman as a main character with her faith being shown in the same casual way a Christian character would. A Muslim queer woman at that.
There is an autistic character that veers close to being treated as a autistic savage by the script, but then again the story is set somewhere this kind of person could thrive and therefore would be drawn to. It was lovely having a main character treating multiple neurodivergent characters with gentleness and kindness.

7/10 Streaming on Sky

#TheUndeclaredWar #tv #tvreviews #samssofaplex #reviews

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
406 followers · 1125 posts · Server

I watched and I am ... underwhelmed. I am still a Goth at heart, and I love "the aesthetic" and the Addams Family, but I loved Thing and Enid better than Wednesday herself, who, instead of being spooky and eccentric mostly just came across as being assholish. And worst of all: she was so often wrong. If at least her methods of exploiting everybody around her had lead to anything, but no, her friends are put in harms way all the time and all for basically nothing because in the end, the person responsible has to reveal themselves anyway.

It was all too much teenage soap for me tbh. I know I am not the target group for this, but still. 6/10
Wednesday is streaming on Netflix

#wednesday #tvreviews #tv #samssofaplex

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
396 followers · 1088 posts · Server

General review: I saw the first season of and I found it kinda meh. I am unsure why. They clearly had talent and money. And yet.
Most of the characters left me cold. I didn't get what most of the characters (apart from the main character played by Chloe Grace Moretz) even wanted. The future setting looked stylish and great, but I realised that this (and T'Nia Miller) was what interested me most in this series. There were massiv, catastrophic, worldwide upheavals in this world, and none of them are really explored socially. I feel like this had so much potential and most of it wasn't explored in fact. Meh.

#ThePeripheral #tv #tvreviews #samssofaplex #tvshows

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
377 followers · 964 posts · Server

Serienempfehlung: mit Steve Carrell und Domhnall Gleeson. Ich war eigentlich noch nie enttäuscht, wenn Steve Carrell eine ernste Rolle spielt (Ausnahme: 2. Season Morning Show, aber na gut).
Ein Psychotherapeut wird von seinem Patienten gekidnapped und versucht ihn, zu therapieren, hat aber auch in seiner Gefangenschaft Zeit, über sein Verhältnis zu seinem (zum orthodoxen Judentum konvertieren) Sohn nachzudenken.
Ich fand es teilweise sehr rührend und traurig und die Serie sehr gut.
Trigger Warning für Gewalt. Nicht ständig, aber es geht tatsächlich eben auch um Gewalt und Angst ums eigene Leben in dieser Serie.
Streamt auf Disney+

#ThePatient #tv #samssofaplex #serien #tvreviews

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
362 followers · 890 posts · Server

Seen today: by Steven , written by Ed Solomon.
You could finish reading after that intro, because those two names are all that you need to know. Add to that a fantastic cast. The script maybe could have had one or two fewer turns. Structurally funny in a "grin to yourself about how fucked up capitalism is" way. Streaming on Amazon now. 7/10.

#nosuddenmove #soderbergh #movies #samssofaplex

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
337 followers · 730 posts · Server

Watch the last episode to the very end!

#andor #tv #samssofaplex

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
334 followers · 715 posts · Server

Doom Patrol Trailer, Doom Patrol Trailer! ❤️​

#tv #samssofaplex

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
326 followers · 669 posts · Server

Ich hab gestern die Doku über die Blitz Kids und Anfänge der New Romantics im London der 1980 gesehen. Schon alles sehr interessant, wobei mir bei solchen Dokus dann oft sauer aufstösst, dass Menschen, die sie nicht für Interviews bekommen haben, quasi komplett aus der Geschichte gestrichen werden. New Romantics ohne Adam Ant zu erwähnen? Schon seltsam.
Und den Satz "we were all equal, no matter the colour or sex" möchte ich bitte nicht aus dem Mund einer weißen Person hören ohne anschließende Einordnung einer BiPoC Person. Trotzdem insgesamt interessant, mir sind viele Zusammenhänge der Zeit dadurch etwas klarer geworden.

#blitzed #samssofaplex #movies #Filmkritik

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
326 followers · 669 posts · Server

#1899. Kurzkritik: Meh.
Längere Kritik morgen.

#samssofaplex #tv

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
287 followers · 559 posts · Server

But also: that is Clancy Brown in the John Wick 4 Trailer! <squees>

#samssofaplex #movienews

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
286 followers · 554 posts · Server

Okay, I am over the whole "Iconic-pop-song-as-a-moody-ballad" in a thing now, thanks

#trailer #samssofaplex #movies

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam :flag_nonbinary:​ · @Skreee
231 followers · 376 posts · Server

Ich kann wirklich kaum in Worte fassen, wie gut ist. Jede Woche kann ich den Mittwoch kaum erwarten.

#andor #samssofaplex

Last updated 2 years ago