New movie about Irish writer Samuel Beckett to premiere at San Sebastian Film Festival
#GabrielByrne #movie #news #SamuelBeckett #SanSebastianFilmFestival
#gabrielbyrne #movie #News #samuelbeckett #sansebastianfilmfestival
I too would be happy to meet him. The more people I meet the happier I become. From the meanest creature one departs wiser, richer, more conscious of one's blessings.
Even you ... he looks at them ostentatiously in turn to make it clear they are both meant ..
.. even you, who knows, will have
added to my store.
Why doesn't he put down his bags?”
#nightimereading #books #samuelbeckett #waitingforgodot
Funny to complain about #silence when one has aspired to it for so long
Little kitty girl is gonna be well-read.
#catsofmastodon #kitten #books #literature #samuelbeckett
After dinner, Joyce and his protege, Samuel Beckett, “get pretty tight,” Norris says. On the way home, frustrated by the frequency of requests, Joyce and Beckett are making for pit stops, the carriage driver decides not to wait for Joyce’s drinking buddy to return from the pissoir, and leaves Beckett “ingloriously abandoned on the outskirts of Paris”.
#IrishLiterature #JamesJoyce #Ulysses #Bloomsday #SamuelBeckett #Paris #Versailles #OnThisDay
#IrishLiterature #JamesJoyce #ulysses #bloomsday #samuelbeckett #paris #versailles #onthisday
According to David Norris, a Dublin senator and a leading Joyce scholar, the first official celebration of Bloomsday is held on its twenty-fifth anniversary on 16 June 1929. That night, Joyce is the guest of honour at a dinner party held at Les Vaux de Cernay, a village near Versailles. 1/2
#IrishLiterature #JamesJoyce #Ulysses #Bloomsday #SamuelBeckett #Paris #Versailles #OnThisDay
#IrishLiterature #JamesJoyce #ulysses #bloomsday #samuelbeckett #paris #versailles #onthisday
Read my Diary in today's 'Irish Times' about 'Artur Darley - Irish doctor who inspired a Beckett poem'… #ArthurDarley #SaintLô #SamuelBeckett
#arthurdarley #saintlo #samuelbeckett
🧵 #13avril Aujourd’hui, c’est l’anniversaire de #SamuelBeckett (1906-1989)
Comme tout le monde vous connaissez :
“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”
Oui, mais ça vient d’où ? Et il écrit quoi après, Beckett ? Ça vaut vraiment le detour, vous allez voir… /1
Samuel Beckett was born on 13th April 1906 in Foxrock, County Dublin. He was awarded the the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1969 "for his writing, which - in new forms for the novel and drama - in the destitution of modern man acquires its elevation."
#Ireland #IrishHistory #Literature #SamuelBeckett #Dublin #Theatre #NobelPrizeInLiterature
#ireland #irishhistory #literature #samuelbeckett #dublin #theatre #nobelprizeinliterature
Beluister “Allen die vallen” van Samuel Beckett.
Uitgezonden door de VPRO op vrijdag 19-06-1959.
Mevrouw Rooney, 70 jaar en last van overgewicht, is op weg naar het station om haar man te verrassen voor zijn verjaardag.
Drie mannen kruisen onderweg haar pad, een voerman, een fietser, een oude aanbidder in een auto, die haar naar het station brengt.
Op het station heerst verwarring omdat de trein te laat is.
Beluister “Allen die vallen” van Samuel Beckett.
Uitgezonden door de VPRO op vrijdag 19-06-1959.
Mevrouw Rooney, 70 jaar en moddervet, is op weg naar het station om haar man te verrassen voor zijn verjaardag.
Drie mannen kruisen onderweg haar pad, een voerman, een fietser, een oude aanbidder in een auto, die haar naar het station brengt.
Op het station heerst verwarring omdat de trein te laat is.
Jack Butler Yeats, brother of WB Yeats and a painter who developed an intensely expressionist style, died on 28th March 1957. He was a close friend of Samuel Beckett.
#Ireland #IrishHistory #IrishArt #Painting #JackButlerYeats #WilliamButlerYeats #WBYeats #SamuelBeckett #OnThisDay
#ireland #irishhistory #irishart #painting #jackbutleryeats #williambutleryeats #wbyeats #samuelbeckett #onthisday
« Quand il me disait de lui lécher le pénis je me jetais dessus. J’en tirais de la satisfaction. Nous devions avoir les mêmes satisfactions. Les mêmes besoins et les mêmes satisfactions. »
[“When he told me to lick his penis I hastened to do so. I drew satisfaction from it. We must have had the same satisfactions. The same needs and the same satisfactions.”] [5/5]
Samuel Beckett, « Assez » [“Enough”], 1966.
So often I think of this famous quote from #SamuelBeckett’s The Unnamed: “I can’t go on. I’ll go on”
Hey 🌸 to everyone going on today.
#samuelbeckett #literature #books #life
Enough. Sudden enough.
Sudden all far.
No move
and sudden
all far. All least.
Three pins. One pinhole.
In dimmost dim. Vasts apart.
At_bounds_of_boundless_void. Whence no farther. Best worse
no farther. Nohow less. No-
how worse. Nohow naught.
Nohow on.
RT @HotelInsonmia
Enough. Sudden enough. Sudden all far. No move and sudden all far. [...] Nohow less. Nohow on...
RT @HotelInsonmia
Enough. Sudden enough. Sudden all far. No move and sudden all far. [...] Nohow less. Nohow on...
The playwright who brought Godot to Kashmir
Arshad Mushtaq’s evocative work, shaped by the trauma of life in the Valley, Kashmiri identity and history, has given voice and solace to countless viewers.
#kashmir #ArshadMushtaq #SuYee #theatre #theater #kashmiri #srinagar #SamuelBeckett #WaitingForGodot #arts #militarisation #india
#kashmir #arshadmushtaq #suyee #theatre #theater #kashmiri #srinagar #samuelbeckett #waitingforgodot #arts #militarisation #india
Watched "Only Lovers Left Alive" and loved the picture wall. If you saw the film and wondered who the people were, here's all the pictures identified. I'd spotted #SamuelBeckett but missed #OscarWilde. I also missed #MaryWollstonecraft but she got a line in the script.
#samuelbeckett #oscarwilde #marywollstonecraft