Yeah, sure." Spitt said. "But, man, you were in this one, then that one, then this one again—God damn!
#sciencefiction #samuelrdelany
Of the cluster of three lanterns inside the door, one still burned. Inside, the doors to the hall were closed.
#sciencefiction #samuelrdelany
I used to come down here for all my science fiction," Tak said, "until there wasn't anything on the shelves any more. In there. Go ahead.
#sciencefiction #samuelrdelany
Thirteen, glancing up the shaft, said: "Dragon Lady, why you want to go hollering up at her about her kid's dead?"
#sciencefiction #samuelrdelany
He ran his eyes over the hall, waiting for sounds of occupancy.
#sciencefiction #samuelrdelany
Feeling the metal on his thigh through the dime-sized tear, Kid stepped down among the others. Lanya, Muriel, and Madame Brown came behind.
#sciencefiction #samuelrdelany
Lady of Spain had kicked in the board bottom of a display case. Copperhead looked up, with consternation and surprise, and put his boot through the glass case in front of him, first the top shelf, then the bottom, then once on the other end; glass and watches scattered the rug. Gasping, he loped to the next. Crash! and crash! and crash-crash-crash! All their eyes, Kid noted (trying to recall what it meant), are red glass.
#sciencefiction #samuelrdelany
They liked you okay," Frank said, still not looking up. "They just didn't know you.
#sciencefiction #samuelrdelany
The white collar between the serge lapels was knotted with an extraordinarily thin tie. White temples, below grey hair: the man had an accent that was disturbingly near British. He picked up the notebook. (The newspaper slid off onto the leaves.) "Is this yours?"
#sciencefiction #samuelrdelany
Lanya said: "You are kidding, aren't you…? Jesus, you're not!" She was sitting cross-legged with her back on the low wall. When she lifted her harmonica, there were two parallel dashes on her thigh.
#sciencefiction #samuelrdelany
In the state approved religion, the governor is God's appointed representative on earth, if I remember right. Isn't that, when all is said and done, what makes the relation between the head of the state and the head of the church as ticklish as you were just telling me it is? You're as much of a god as George, minus some celestial portents and—of course, I'm just guessing—a couple of inches on your dick.
#sciencefiction #samuelrdelany
But Kidd only dug at his pocket. "Then why don't you keep this too?" Mr Richards swayed when the moist, green knot, bounced off his shirt and fell to the floor, unfolding like paper on fire.
#sciencefiction #samuelrdelany
Lanya looked as though she were about to, politely, excuse herself and take Denny with her.
#sciencefiction #samuelrdelany
'Cause if you ain't suppose to be in here, she gonna get mad." Harrison smiled, a mottled ivory crescent between his lips' uneven pigment. "Seen you in the bar.
#sciencefiction #samuelrdelany