#WDEFWeather: View of #SanAntonioTX with overcast skies and rain coming down, as the main circulation of #TropicalStormHarold rolls south of the city. Heaviest rainfall expected to remain in the Rio Grande Valley area through tonight and into Wednesday.
#wdefweather #sanantoniotx #tropicalstormharold
RT @getcreativesa
Interested in joining the City of San Antonio Department of Arts & Culture? We’re looking to hire an Arts & Culture Administrator!
#GetCreativeSA #SAproud #NowHiring #JoinOurTeam #Texas #recruiting #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #ArtsAndCulture #Jobs
#getcreativesa #saproud #nowhiring #joinourteam #texas #recruiting #sanantonio #sanantoniotx #artsandculture #jobs
My art partner JammerLea and I will be selling at a convention this weekend! I'm excited and fixed up a flyer using her illustration.
#DigitalArt #AnimeConvention #ArtistAlley #Kawacon #KawaconSA #SanAntonioTX
#sanantoniotx #kawaconsa #kawacon #artistalley #animeconvention #DigitalArt
📢 Breaking News 📢
The application for our Firefighter Trainee position has been posted. If you're interested in becoming a member of the San Antonio Fire Department team, be sure to submit your application… More ASAP! This posting will close promptly at 11:59 p.m. on March 19.
Apply Now 👉 https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/sanantoniotx/jobs/3876266
#sanantonio #SAProud #texas #sanantoniotx #heresyourchance #firefighters #sanantoniotexas #satx #publicsafety
#publicsafety #SATX #sanantoniotexas #firefighters #heresyourchance #sanantoniotx #Texas #saproud #sanantonio
Recent photos. Planning a visit to Las Vegas #selfie #sanantoniotx #TransphobiaIsASin #lgbtqpeopleunderatttack #lasvegas
#selfie #sanantoniotx #transphobiaisasin #lgbtqpeopleunderatttack #lasvegas
Photo of me at my friend's salon where I asked her to curl up my hair. Today in San Antonio Texas
#sanantonio #sanantoniotx #selfie #translikeme
#sanantonio #sanantoniotx #selfie #translikeme
This is the birthday of TV entertainer #SteveAllen who we #quote and back with a picture of the interior of the #Alamo in #SanAntonioTx. If this #Quotograph speaks to you please repost it.
#steveallen #quote #alamo #sanantoniotx #quotograph
Find me: #Engineer #CivilEngineer #SanAntonioTX #Texas #SouthDakotaStateUniversity #SDSUJackrabbits #SDSUJacks #GoJacks #SouthDakota #SiouxFalls #Hiking #Workout #Gym #Fitness
#fitness #gym #workout #hiking #siouxfalls #southdakota #gojacks #sdsujacks #sdsujackrabbits #southdakotastateuniversity #Texas #sanantoniotx #civilengineer #engineer
Next time you're in #SanAntonioTx check out #LaPanadería. It's worth the wait in line.
Next time you're in #SanAntonioTx check out #LaPanadería. It's worth the wait in line.
While Whataburger pushes into Atlanta, I keep hoping it'll also eventually push into California.
RT @SAcurrent@twitter.com
The ATL’s first orange-and-white striped outpost opened Monday with 140 people on the payroll. #SanAntonio #SATX #SanAntonioTX #Texas #Atlanta #ATL #Whataburger #SanAntonioFood #SanAntonioRestraurants
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SAcurrent/status/1597636507203870720
#sanantonio #satx #sanantoniotx #texas #atlanta #atl #whataburger #sanantoniofood #sanantoniorestraurants
#introductionpost since I haven't found my people yet.
I'm a father to 2 little girls and loving the joy we get to share. I am a pretty good #tennis player. I'm REALLY into #functionalprogramming having formerly studied math at uni.
I'm a #polyglot. I speak #Deutsch to my kids, and you also hear native #Espanol from my wife (I'm ok). My 2nd language is #日本語.
I bought a couple acres inside #sanantoniotx and am slowly making it an amazing place to relax through a mix of #landscaping, #design.
#Design #landscaping #sanantoniotx #日本語 #espanol #deutsch #polyglot #functionalprogramming #tennis #introductionpost
#sanantoniotx needs this.
RT @chibitdevs
Thanks everyone for coming 🫶
Plebs, you are the best! Enjoyed having a fun time with you and chatting about the technical aspects of #bitcoin protocol ! Will see you October 6 👇
அமெரிக்காவில் சட்டவிரோதமாக குடியேற டிரக்கில் வந்த அகதிகள் 46 பேர் கூட்டநெரிசலால் உயிரிழந்த சோகம்… https://patrikai.com/46-dead-16-hospitalized-after-trailer-of-migrants-found-in-united-states/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#texas #sanantoniotx #accident #tractors #america #usa
2/3 El obispo catalán, Mariano Martí, fue el impulsor del nacimiento de esta parroquia. Su intención era agrupar, bajo el patrocinio de la iglesia San Felipe de Nerí que allí se situaba, a los feligreses católicos dispersos entre Carrizal y San Pedro, para que no dependieran de la iglesia de Macarao o la de San Diego de Los Altos.
#21oct #somosdemocraciayparticipación
#carrizal #sanantoniotx #lostequesmiranda #cascadacarrizal #LosTeques #sanantonio
#Carrizal #LosTeques #SomosDemocraciaYParticipación #fanb #sanantoniotx #lostequesmiranda #cascadacarrizal #sanantonio #21Oct #EjércitoBolivarianoBicentenario
Fue el 21 de octubre de 1777 cuando la población de Los Teques fue elevada a parroquia eclesiástica, razón por la cual hoy, la actual capital del estado Miranda, está de fiesta y celebra los 243 años de su fundación. 1/3
#21oct #somosdemocraciayparticipación
#carrizal #sanantoniotx #lostequesmiranda #cascadacarrizal #hidjabstore #losteques #prilaga #sanantonio
#SomosDemocraciaYParticipación #fanb #cascadacarrizal #hidjabstore #LosTeques #prilaga #21Oct #EjércitoBolivarianoBicentenario #Carrizal #sanantoniotx #lostequesmiranda #sanantonio