#ToxicAir Resulted in #Cancer for #Navajo, #Apache and #WesternShoshone
#Copper and Gold #Mining, and #Coal-Fired Power Plants, Resulted in Cancer for Navajo, Apache, and Western #Shoshone
By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, September 4, 2023
"A copper smelter poisoning the air of Apaches, the coal-fired power plants on the #NavajoNation, and gold mining on Western Shoshone land, are among the top causes of cancer from #AirPollution in the United States, according to a new report, Poison in the Air, by #ProPublica.
"The #FreeportMcMoran copper smelter in #MiamiArizona -- located between the #SanCarlos #ApacheNation, and Apaches Sacred #OakFlat -- is the third in the United States for producing toxic air pollution causing cancer. The poison air means the central Arizona community of Miami has ten times the EPA's acceptable risk of cancer. Apaches are now in federal court battling both the mining industry, and the #BidenAdministration to stop another #CopperMine nearby at Oak Flat which would destroy their ceremonial place."
Read more:
#EnvironmentalRacism #ToxicAir #Mining #IndigenousNews #SaveOakFlat #NativeAmericanNews
#ToxicAir #cancer #navajo #apache #shoshone #copper #mining #coal #navajonation #westernshoshone #airpollution #propublica #freeportmcmoran #miamiarizona #sancarlos #apachenation #OakFlat #Bidenadministration #environmentalracism #indigenousnews #SaveOakFlat #coppermine #nativeamericannews
The ShoreWay Environmental Center in #SanCarlos is a great way to see the potential impact of LitterSort.ai up close. https://rethinkwaste.org/shoreway-environmental-center/about/ https://www.sbrecycling.net/ If anybody wants to visit, please DM our project manager SHEU on our Discord (see our profile for an invite).
I really like the 4k 120fps feature of the GoPro11. The GoPro comes along on most little adventures I go on due to its portability so I have accumulated a number of slo-mo videos while out and about. I have also been traveling a bit so I made a fun short video with some scenes from home, various locations in Mexico, and the desert Southwest in the US.
Who doesn't like slo-mo videos?
#gopro #hawaii #Mexico #lasvegas #4k #Tucson #playadelcarmen #travel #sancarlos #maui
#gopro #hawaii #mexico #lasvegas #4K #tucson #playadelcarmen #travel #sancarlos #maui
Taking a little break from #tucson and spending some beach time in #sancarlos. Lots of pelican action.
Had to run out again and there's even more water. El Camino in #SanCarlos is pretty flooded. (That place on the right, Mediterranean Delite, is highly recommended btw).
Pretty wet day! Local shopping center in #SanCarlos needs to unclog some drains.
Sometimes work trips are worth it! #SanCarlos #mexico #work #Sonora
#sancarlos #mexico #work #sonora
#MyceliPak || Jóvenes del Colegio Técnico Profesional La Tigra de #SanCarlos presentarán un emprendimiento que sustituye el plástico por materiales orgánicos, esto para usos industriales, Todo AQUÍ ⬇️ #CostaRica https://www.larepublica.net/noticia/jovenes-ticos-participan-en-foro-internacional-de-emprendedores-con-proyecto-de-tecnologias-para-preservar-el-ambiente
#mycelipak #sancarlos #costarica