@juergen_hubert PS: I see your arguments.
Probably we follow pretty different approaches to #crpg.
I don't care about #OpenWorlds / #Sandboxes. I want thrilling stories and some interesting choice and consequences.
Do you remember the #RachniQueen of #ME1? Maybe it was an illusion of choice, but I needed a while to make my decision...
#crpg #openworlds #sandboxes #rachniqueen #me1
Looking for a way to create #android #sandboxes on my Samsung S10+. There are some apps I would like to isolate. (I'm looking at you Facebook) otherwise does anyone know how I can use #Facebook messenger on my phone without the app, but still get messages? Might just be time to tell a few people to SMS me.
Spoke to @FT @Siftedeu on #AI Act
With regulatory #sandboxes, smaller companies & #startups that aren’t used to dealing with red tape will have:
👉Guidance and legal certainty
👉Faster deployment
👉Place to try innovative solutions
& more.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EvaMaydell/status/1636335008896958474
These #sandboxes will give you a space to experiment with writing #smartcontracts and understanding #Ethereum http://bit.ly/3lzyv3N
#sandboxes #smartcontracts #ethereum #web3 #blockchain
Heute hatten wir eine spannende Verantstaltung mit der hessischen Digitalministerin @KSinemus und @EvaMaydell zum #AIAct und #sandboxes. Die Praxis zeigt, wovor wir immer gewarnt haben: ohne #Daten läuft es nicht. Auch #SMEs dürfen nicht zu kurz kommen.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AxelVossMdEP/status/1620740071992492032
#AIAct #sandboxes #daten #SMEs
@samlitzinger Very amusing. The story about the #lack of #water should have been a huge story years ago except so many chose to stick their heads in the sand. Where's that #cartoon about #PayAsYouGo #sandBoxes?
#sandboxes #PayAsYouGo #Cartoon #Water #lack
RT @rosannafanni: @AxelVossMdEP says that the #AIA AI Act provides safeguards for deployers and users, and the systems based on a risk-based approach. #sandboxes are very important to understand how personal data can be used in limited context-specific cases.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AxelVossMdEP/status/1597943522174586883
Glad to see support for our @EP_Industry approach to #AI #sandboxes from @EUdigitalsme, representing 45000+ digital SMEs ⬇️
AI sandboxes should foster innovative and trustworthy #ArtificialIntelligence.
A 🇪🇺 dimension is 🔑 to achieving this.
RT @EUdigitalsme: Despite its unquestionable timeliness & potential, the #AIAct should do more to promote #SME-led innovation. After a positive response from #SMEs & SME associations, the All…
#AI #sandboxes #ArtificialIntelligence #AIAct #SME #SMEs
One of the key points we are fighting for in the #AIAct in @EPPGroup and great success by @EvaMaydell in the @EP_Industry report - regulatory #sandboxes are key in achieving leeway for #innovation.
RT @EvaMaydell: 2. Ambitious proposal on #sandboxes including a whole new Annex.
Regulatory sandboxes are arguably the best instrument we have to promote innovation in Europe.
We call for a unified European approach - for hardware/s…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AxelVossMdEP/status/1536720051180646400
2. Ambitious proposal on #sandboxes including a whole new Annex.
Regulatory sandboxes are arguably the best instrument we have to promote innovation in Europe.
We call for a unified European approach - for hardware/software sandboxes, pre-deployment services, and more.