Michael #Sandel: A ditadura do algoritmo corrói a democracia: https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/mundo/2023/08/ditadura-do-algoritmo-corroi-a-democracia-diz-filosofo-estrela-de-harvard.shtml
“A #esquerda alienou a classe trabalhadora”: Michael #Sandel numa grande entrevista: https://amp.expresso.pt/revista/2023-04-28-A-esquerda-alienou-a-classe-trabalhadora-Michael-J.-Sandel-numa-grande-entrevista-8051915f https://dfaria.eu/news?hashtag=2023-04-30T19:34:55Z
#Sandler (also #Sandlar) /ˈsændlɚ (English)/ = Jewish #surname, borrowed into English from Yiddish and Hebrew, with 2 etymologies: 1. borrowed into Hebrew from Latin SANDLARIUS (= sandal/shoe-maker), maintains that meaning in Hebrew, and has other variants e.g. #Sandel and #Sandelmann. 2. borrowed into Hebrew from a diminutuve of the Greek #given #name Alexander (= helper of men); Jews have used Greek names since at least the destruction of the Second Temple 2000+ years ago.
#sandler #sandlar #surname #sandel #sandelmann #given #name
@publicvoit Apropos #Bildung & #Kapitalismus, Michael J. #Sandel weiß mehr: https://twitter.com/ArnoNiesner/status/1313558369832235013
#Bildung #kapitalismus #sandel