RandyCaparoso.wineauthor · @RandyCaparoso
87 followers · 236 posts · Server mstdn.social

Last night I received the biggest compliment from Darrell Corti, the "wizard" of Sacramento, at the Lodi Wine Experience Dinner (with Turley/Sandlands' Tegan Passalacqua, who invited Darrell to event): First, Mr. Corti approached me, grabbed my hand and said he wished he brought my "Lodi!" book with him so I could sign it. Then he said, "The book is more than good, I've been keeping it closest to me on my desk, and I have a lot of books!"

#cortibrother #sandlands #ownrooted

Last updated 1 year ago

RandyCaparoso.wineauthor · @RandyCaparoso
46 followers · 52 posts · Server mstdn.social

Caught in a more serious moment, presenting Lodi-grown ancient vine wines to visiting "global buyers" organized by California Institute this past November 4. Tegan Passalacqua and I are discussing Sandlands and Turley Wine Cellars wines from Kirschenmann Vineyard (where the truck was parked, Zinfandel planted on its own roots in 1915), along with a few other Lodi growths.

#randycaparoso #zinfandel #sandlands #turleywine #oldvines #ancientvines #ownrooted #wineinstitute #lodiwinecountry #lodiwine

Last updated 2 years ago

RandyCaparoso.wineauthor · @RandyCaparoso
46 followers · 52 posts · Server mstdn.social

Last night, a phenomenal gathering of winemakers and growers in Victor (Lodi's east side), greeting Eben Sadie (with Melinda Kearney and myself at top left) of The Sadie Family, South Africa's most celebrated winery. At top right I am with Craig Haarmeyer, one of California's coolest winemakers; bottom right, with our generous host Tegan Passalacqua (Turley and Sandlands)

#randycaparoso #lodiwine #lorenzawine #turley #sandlands #ownrooted #haarmeyerwinecellars #sadiefamilywines #victorbookclub

Last updated 2 years ago