Sand Mountain Sam predicts early spring on Groundhog Day #sandmountainsam #spring #alabama #opossum #possum
#sandmountainsam #spring #alabama #opossum #possum
As today is #GroundhogDay, it is my solemn duty to inform everyone that #PunxatawneyPhil's weather predictions are statistically wrong more often that one would expect them to be by random chance. I think this is true of other weather groundhogs too, though I think Alabama's #opossum #SandMountainSam may have better predictions. In any case, you'd think these animals' handlers would crack open a #FarmersAlmanac, but I guess not.
#groundhogday #punxatawneyphil #opossum #sandmountainsam #FarmersAlmanac #rodents #groundhog #weatherpredictions