Outi Leskinen · @outi
209 followers · 1702 posts · Server hypercube.masto.host

juon taas kahvia ja luen. Tyson Yunkaporta: .

jos nykyisen valtakulttuurin toimintaa vertaa teineihin niin yhtäläisyydet on aika ilmeisiä: fyysistä voimaa on (vrt teknologia kuten fossiilienegia, aseet) mutta kypsyyttä hallita sitä ei ole, vaan asioita hajotetaan. moni ihailee ja seuraa koulukiusaajia tai muita toksisia tyyppejä, tai vähintään pelkää.

eikä aikuisia ole. jumala on kuollut, eikä se valtiollisen kristinuskon patriarkaattinen jumala kovin hyvä ollutkaan.

#sandtalk #ilmastokriisi

Last updated 1 year ago

nathanlovestrees · @nathanlovestrees
106 followers · 411 posts · Server disabled.social

I'm thinking about what Tyson Yunkaporta said in , that knowledge is about relationships and processes, not content. This is difficult to do, and I'm not quite sure how to go about this. But I don't want to just learn what things are, I want to know them, to be related to them.

#sandtalk #process #relationality #systemsthinking

Last updated 2 years ago

Kristoffer 🍄 · @krig
184 followers · 451 posts · Server 6510.nu

"In my community there is a phrase that is repeated daily: “Nobody boss for me!” Yet at the same time, each person is bound within complex patterns of relatedness and communal obligation. Indigenous models of governance are based on respect for social, ecological, and knowledge systems and all their components or members."

-- Sand Talk by Tyson Yunkaporta.

#quote #bookstodon #sandtalk #governance #community #anarchy

Last updated 2 years ago

Preston Walberg · @presandberg
256 followers · 631 posts · Server spore.social

On the topic of languages & worldviews, the book by Tyson Yunkaporta, author. The style of writing and specific word choice established a translating of perspective that I found to be transformative. Referral of the book, and the ideology, came through Earth Regenerators, a community actively focused on re-Indigenising degraded environments and growing regenerative practices into economies. Actions to subdue anxieties, building on worldviews that foster flourishing 🤗.

#sandtalk #indigenous

Last updated 2 years ago