San Fernando, Philippines: ChipiPie Pizza House - San Matias | Rating: 4.8 #pizza #sanfernando
Acabo de ver a un chaval haciendo caballitos con la moto, a otro chaval por detrás con un patinete con el móvil grabandolo. Todo esto por una carretera abierta al tráfico :blobfacepalm: #SanFernando
Hola a todos y a todas. Vengo como muchos huyendo de Twitter y he decidido darle una oportunidad a esta red social.
Mis intereses son #SevillaFC #Sevilla #SanFernando #Andalucía #andalucismo
#sevillafc #sevilla #sanfernando #andalucia #andalucismo #presentacion
Heads up if you're driving through the San Fernando Valley to Ventura tonight! One of our spotters reported dense fog, with the worst through Sepulveda Pass. Make sure to slow down and use your low beams if you're on the road. #densefog #cawx #Ventura #Sanfernando #CAwx
#densefog #cawx #ventura #sanfernando
📌Una marea humana sale en San Fernando para denunciar el drama que ha supuesto la negligente construcción de la línea 7B del metro #Carabanchel #Madrid #SanFernando #Linea7bMetro #derribos
#carabanchel #madrid #sanfernando #linea7bmetro #derribos
San Fernando, Philippines: Fernando's Pizza | Rating: 5 #pizza #sanfernando
📌El Gobierno de Ayuso intenta frenar sin éxito una concentración de los afectados por la línea 7B de Metro en Sol el 2 de mayo #Carabanchel #Madrid #SanFernando #concentración #2deMayo #Comunidad #Línea7BMetro #AyusoAPrisión #AyusoAbuso #Sol #LLegadaASol
#carabanchel #madrid #sanfernando #concentracion #2demayo #comunidad #linea7bmetro #ayusoaprision #ayusoabuso #sol #llegadaasol
#Mostazal #FarmaciaDeTurno C #Rancagua FarmaVecina de Bueras
#SanFernando Cruz Verde
#sanVicenteTT ¨Principal
#Rengo Hospital
#Graneros La compañía
#Mostazal #FarmaciaDeTurno #rancagua #sanfernando #sanvicentett #rengo #graneros
📌Vuelven los derribos de viviendas por la línea 7 del Metro de Madrid: “Todos corremos peligro” #Carabanchel #Madrid #SanFernando #DerriboDeEdificios #DerriboDeViviendas #línea7Metro #ruinas #ayusodimisión #AyusoAPrisión #Justicia #Solidaridad
#carabanchel #madrid #sanfernando #derribodeedificios #derribodeviviendas #linea7metro #ruinas #ayusodimision #ayusoaprision #justicia #solidaridad
📌San Fernando de Henares se hunde
#Carabanchel #Madrid #SanFernando #Linea7BMetro #SinCasa #Abandonados #podcast
#carabanchel #madrid #sanfernando #linea7bmetro #sincasa #abandonados #podcast
#FarmaciaDeTurno #Rancagua #SanFernando NOLY 😂 (image El Rancagüino) #chile #Mostazal NvaProgreso
#FarmaciaDeTurno #rancagua #sanfernando #chile #Mostazal
Die #Bauarbeiten an der #Markthalle in #SanFernando de #Maspalomas schreiten gut voran:
#Bauarbeiten #markthalle #sanfernando #maspalomas
Why Is the #SantaSusana #Nuclear Accident Still Being Covered Up?
Excavating Six Decades of Buried Secrecy, Neglect, and Flat-Out Lies in the #SanFernando Valley
By Warren Olney, January 13, 2022
"The Field Lab (#SSFL) opened in 1947, at the onset of the Cold War, and the reactor accident happened in 1959. The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and a nuclear contractor kept it secret for 20 years, but there was no denying the evidence we revealed on local TV, discovered in AEC archives by the watchdog group Committee to Bridge the Gap.
"Today, that accident is still news, as Gov. Gavin Newsom appears to be backing away from enforcing a cleanup of nuclear contamination that remains on the site. Sixty-three years since the accident, Santa Susana should remind us of the perils not only of nuclear materials but also of our short memories. This story’s hardest lesson is that when dangerous secrets get buried you often have to keep excavating them, over and over.
"Over the years, #residential development moved closer to the Field Lab, but no one ever told the public about the release of radioactive contamination which would remain dangerous for thousands of years. In 1989, a local newspaper reported on secret government studies showing extensive contamination at the site. That drew attention from unsuspecting homeowners, and a community group called the Rocketdyne Cleanup Coalition sprang up to oppose re-licensing of site facilities. Nuclear operations at Santa Susana finally halted in 1990."
Read more:
#santasusana #nuclear #sanfernando #ssfl #residential
#FarmaciaDeTurno #Rancagua Bichara #SanFernando SalcoBrand #Codegua no hace turnos #Mostazal #Karmel
#FarmaciaDeTurno #rancagua #sanfernando #codegua #Mostazal #karmel
📌El encierro médico se extiende a otras zonas de Madrid
#Carabanchel #SanFernando #Hortaleza #Latina #Vallecas #Madrid #EncierroMedicosManoteras #AtencionPrimaria #SanidadPublica #AyusoDimisión #AyusoAPrisión
#carabanchel #sanfernando #hortaleza #latina #vallecas #madrid #encierromedicosmanoteras #atencionprimaria #sanidadpublica #ayusodimision #ayusoaprision