"Ceux qui nous ont conduits à l'endettement ont joué comme dans un casino; quand ils gagnaient, il n'y avait point de débat, maintenant qu'ils ont perdu au jeu, ils nous exigent le remboursement; et l'on parle de crise. Non! Monsieur le Président: ils ont joué, ils ont perdu, c'est la règle du jeu, la vie continue!"
- Thomas #Sankara, Discours sur la #dette, 29 juillet 1987
#finance #afrique #colonialisme #dette #sankara
Marcel Cartier - Standing Upright (Thomas Sankara Tribute)
#Thomas #Sankara, the #revolutionary #leader who transformed what was Upper Volta to #Burkina #Faso. Nearly 39 years since his untimely death, his #legacy continues to live on across #Africa and the #world.
#thomas #sankara #revolutionary #leader #burkina #faso #legacy #africa #world
L'assassinat de #Sankara va romandre sense jutjar durant més de 34 anys.
Arran de la des-classificació per part del govern francès d'uns documents relatius al complot, la justícia del país va reobrir el cas, atès que es creia que al darrere del cop hi havia l'Estat francès, Costa d'Ivori, altres països francòfons de la regió, Líbia i la CIA estatunidenca.
En total es van imputar 14 persones, entre elles l'acusat principal, #BlaiseCampaoré que el va succeir a la presidència.
Il est fréquent depuis qq temps, pour les partisans des putschistes ouest-africains, de se référer à Thomas #Sankara pour justifier la prise du pouvoir par les armes. Mais n’est pas Sankara qui veut ! Biographe du révolutionnaire burkinabé, Brian J. Peterson rappelle que sa formation intellectuelle s’est nourrie de nombreuses expériences personnelles, d’innombrables lectures et de rencontres déterminantes, et qu’il n’est pas arrivé au pouvoir par hasard. #Putschs #Afrique https://afriquexxi.info/Thomas-Sankara-une-revolution-murement-reflechie
Sankara and Sawadogo: Agroecology and Revolution
#Sankara #ThomasSankara #Agroecology #Revolution #Africa #africa
#sankara #ThomasSankara #agroecology #Revolution #africa
RADIO AFRICA: LA MEMORIA CONTESA DI THOMAS SANKARA E…I FEMMINISMI AFRICANI https://www.radiondadurto.org/2023/02/24/radio-africa-la-memoria-contesa-di-thomas-sankara-ei-femminismi-africani/ #femminismiafricani #INTERNAZIONALI #burkinafaso #radioafrica #mernissi #sankara #Africa
#femminismiafricani #internazionali #burkinafaso #radioafrica #mernissi #sankara #africa
Thomas #Sankara reburied in #BurkinaFaso his remains, and those of the 12 people killed with him, reburied at the site of their assassination in #Ouagadougou #Africa #politics #BlackMastodon
Sankara’s family was happy that he was finally laid to rest, but said the place of burial is like a slap in the face because of the horrors that occurred there.
Family asked government to bury him elsewhere, but told it was at the army’s discretion since he was a soldier.
#blackmastodon #politics #africa #ouagadougou #BurkinaFaso #sankara
Alors qu’Ibrahim Traoré souhaite que les restes de l’ancien président soient inhumés au Conseil de l’Entente où il a été assassiné, les proches de Thomas #Sankara s’y opposent et estiment que cela représenterait « une seconde mort » #BurkinaFaso #afrique
#sankara #BurkinaFaso #afrique
屋久島1週間の旅 世界自然遺産 #shorts https://www.alojapan.com/716636/%e5%b1%8b%e4%b9%85%e5%b3%b6%ef%bc%91%e9%80%b1%e9%96%93%e3%81%ae%e6%97%85-%e4%b8%96%e7%95%8c%e8%87%aa%e7%84%b6%e9%81%ba%e7%94%a3-shorts/
夫婦で行った鹿児島県の屋久島1週間旅のまとめ動画です。 本編は再生リストからご覧ください。 #屋久島 #屋久島観光 #縄文杉 #白谷雲水峡 #屋久島ホテル #yakushima #japantravel #japantrip #trekking #Kagoshima #鹿児島
#JapanTravel #japantrip #JRホテル屋久島 #Kagoshima #Kagoshimadestinations #Kagoshimatour #Kagoshimatravel #Kagoshimatrip #Kagoshimavacation #Sankara #サンカラ #まんてん #世界自然遺産 #世界遺産 #夫婦旅 #屋久島 #屋久島温泉 #屋久島ホテル #屋久島ホテルおすすめ #屋久島旅行 #屋久島観光 #温泉 #白谷雲水峡 #縄文杉 #鹿児島
#shorts #屋久島 #屋久島観光 #縄文杉 #白谷雲水峡 #屋久島ホテル #yakushima #japantravel #japantrip #trekking #kagoshima #鹿児島 #jrホテル屋久島 #kagoshimadestinations #kagoshimatour #kagoshimatravel #kagoshimatrip #kagoshimavacation #sankara #サンカラ #まんてん #世界自然遺産 #世界遺産 #夫婦旅 #屋久島温泉 #屋久島ホテルおすすめ #屋久島旅行 #温泉
Reading #sankara's women's liberation and the African freedom struggle. Definitely some outdated view expression but surprisingly forward for early 80s thought.
(Apologies for the lack of alt text, its a wall of text, full doc available here https://libcom.org/article/womens-liberation-and-african-freedom-struggle )
“Présidents d’Afrique” by Didier Awadi is a collection of great speeches by African (or of African descent) presidents, activists, scientists, and thinkers set to #music. You’ll hear Thomas #Sankara (#BurkinaFaso), Sékou #Touré (#Guinea), Nelson #Mandela (#SouthAfrica) and many others who dared to dream of what #Africa could be. #BlackJoy #BlackMastodon
#blackmastodon #blackjoy #africa #southafrica #mandela #guinea #toure #BurkinaFaso #sankara #music
#Sankara #Covid #BlackRevolutionary #PanAfrican :solidarity:
#sankara #covid #blackrevolutionary #PanAfrican
Affaire Sankara, “Le Président Macron n’a pas tenu sa promesse de lever le secret défense”
Ce 21 décembre marquait le 73e anniversaire de naissance du Capitaine Thomas #Sankara
Cette fresque de 33 mètres de haut, peinte ici à Ivry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne), rend hommage au révolutionnaire assassiné en 1987, à l’âge de 37 ans.
RT @AhmedKaballo@twitter.com
#Sankara had only been in power for 4 years before he was assassinated. Despite his short tenure as leader of #BurkinaFaso, he has a long list of impressive achievements. On the occasion of what would have been his 73rd birthday, we break down some of his major policy feats. https://twitter.com/african_stream/status/1605541428360204289
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AhmedKaballo/status/1605574326119383044
Smash the state and everything but I’m still in the tank for Thomas #Sankara so happy birthday comrade still miss ya
Heute wäre der 73. Geburtstag von Thomas #Sankara. Dieses Jahr wurde endlich sein Mörder zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt.
Sankara bleibt eine Legende ✊🏿
“Comrades, there is no true social revolution without the liberation of women. May my eyes never see and my feet never take me to a society where half the people are held in silence. I hear the roar of women’s silence. I sense the rumble of their storm and feel the fury of their revolt.”
#sankara #BurkinaFaso #revolution
“Our revolution in Burkina Faso draws on the totality of man's experiences since the first breath of humanity. We wish to be the heirs of all the revolutions of the world, of all the liberation struggles of the peoples of the Third World."
- Thomas Sankara.
it would have been the 73rd birthday of Burkinabe socialist revolutionary Thomas #Sankara. He became the president of Burkina Faso at the age of 33, lasting only 4 years,
He was killed in a military coup, supported by the US and France.
New working paper by Dr Ndongo Samba Sylla: Live as African On the Relevance of Thomas Sankara’s Agenda for Economic Liberation
published at #ClusterAfrica #unibayreuth #openaccess #Sankara #economic #africanhistory @africanstudies @histodons @BrianJAP
#clusterafrica #unibayreuth #openaccess #sankara #economic #africanhistory
Sending out #solidarity feelers across the federation: #decolonization
#solidarity #decolonization #agroecology #sankara #amilcarcabral #rodney #gilmore #freire #burkinafaso #nigerdelta