The 23rd June is #SanktHansAften - a night for Danes to gather around bonfires - except this year we have a big drought and as in 2018 there is some doubt as to whether it is safe to have them. Some recent localised showers have not been sufficient to push the #DroughtIndex down much, so now we're all waiting to hear if the usual Sankt Hans bonfires can be lit or not...
#drought2023 #ClimateDiary #droughtindex #sankthansaften
Eindrücke vom #sankthansaften in #hennestrand - genau so habe ich mir das vorgestellt. Dünen und Strand voller Leute in der Abendsonne, die vor brennendem Feuer die #midsommervise singen.
#sankthansaften #hennestrand #midsommervise