State of the San Lorenzo River Symposium
March 81, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, London Nelson Community Center, 301 Center Street in #SantaCruz.
San Lorenzo Lagoon Tour, 12:30 pm.
Please join us on March 18th to hear from local experts about historic #rain events, #floodcontrol measures, #SeaLevelRise, and more!
Doors open at 8:30 -- come meet some of the local organizations that work to preserve, restore, and honor the #SanLorenzoRiver #Watershed and its communities.
#santacruz #rain #floodcontrol #sealevelrise #sanlorenzoriver #watershed
#SanLorenzoRiver as of 8:38am today. #cawx
Linear thinking humans build straight edged channels to try to restrain the river that wants to be crooked.
Humans only want the river to flow to the ocean as quickly as possible. The river wants to meander and live.
#SantaCruz #SanLorenzoRiver #channelization #flood #meander #ecocentrism #anthropocentrism
#santacruz #sanlorenzoriver #channelization #flood #meander #Ecocentrism #anthropocentrism
Santa Cruz County posted a video 1/9 at 10:25am PST:
"Current status of the San Lorenzo River in downtown Santa Cruz. Text scr911 to 99411 to sign up for CodeRED alerts." / Twitter
#santacruz #sanlorenzoriver #caweather #cawx
Jim Cantore posted a graph:
"Look at how fast the San Lorenzo River shot into MAJOR FLOOD stage. Wondering what this means for Santa Cruz once it gets downriver…" / Twitter
#sanlorenzoriver #flood #ca #caweather #cawx
got an evac warning! #Santa Cruz
I'm downtown, not too close to the river. If you're not signed up for emergency alerts, maybe you should be! #flood #SanLorenzoRiver
#santa #flood #sanlorenzoriver
#SanLorenzoRiver height is way above forecast and at major flood stage.. #SantaCruz #cawx
#sanlorenzoriver #SantaCruz #cawx
🚨🚨EVACUATION ORDERS 🚨🚨 #SanLorenzoRiver #cawx is at FLOOD STAGE
Evacuations in #FeltonGrove and #ParadisePark. If you live near #SoquelCreek consider moving to higher ground.
#sanlorenzoriver #cawx #feltongrove #paradisepark #soquelcreek
Evacuations in #FeltonGrove and #ParadisePark. If you live near #SoquelCreek consider moving to higher ground.
#sanlorenzoriver #feltongrove #paradisepark #soquelcreek