Introductory typeface heuristics:
#Serif is for when you make more money from the elderly than Patreon.
#SanSerif is what you use when you cease serif usage because of masonic rumours or when leftist youth seize control and are building a guillotine.
#Monospace is the easiest reliable way to deceive managers into thinking you're their best programmer.
#ComicSans is used either because it's practical to manage dyslexia and you care, or you're a troll and you don't care; or (most likely) both.
#serif #sanserif #monospace #comicsans
A mandated #font change to #Calibri is causing agitation within US State Department | Mashable
#typeface #sanserif #readability #accessibility #government
#Government #Accessibility #readability #sanserif #typeface #calibri #font