ποΈ β¨ A new episode has been published on @ITSPmagazine
Show: ITSPmagazine Event Coverage: RSAC 2023 San Francisco, USA With @Marcociappelli and @seanmartin
Episode: The Five Most Dangerous New Attack Techniques | Demystifying The Top Emerging Cyber Threats
Guests: @likethecoins
Podcast format: Audio & Video
#SANSInstitute #cyberthreats #RSAConference #RSAC2023 #RSACcoverage #cybersecurity #infosec #tech #technology
#sansinstitute #cyberthreats #rsaconference #rsac2023 #rsaccoverage #cybersecurity #infosec #tech #Technology
Thanks to our kind friends at #sansinstitute for providing our CTF this year! If you want to play, you'll need to be in our Slack, in the CTF channel on the day of the con for passcodes and further instructions.
ποΈ β¨ A new episode has been published on @ITSPmagazine
Show: Redefining CyberSecurity With @seanmartin
Episode: Managing Human Cyber Risk | A Conversation About Aligning Cybersecurity Culture To The Organization's Strategy
Guest: Lance Spitzner
Podcast format: Video & Audio
#cybersecurity #datasecurity #security #cyberrisk #compliance #SANSInstitute #securitypolicies
#cybersecurity #datasecurity #security #cyberrisk #compliance #sansinstitute #securitypolicies
Cloud security essentials
#sasn #sansinstitute #aws #amazon #security #cloud #cybersecurite #infose
#sasn #sansinstitute #aws #amazon #security #cloud #cybersecurite #infose
Cloud security essentials
#sasn #sansinstitute #aws #amazon #security #cloud #cybersecurite #infose
#sasn #sansinstitute #aws #amazon #security #cloud #cybersecurite #infose
#MerryChristmas to me
Even though itβs not until Sunday
2 Books - Practical Malware Analysis & This is how they tell me the world ends (the cyber weapons arms race)
In support of the holiday hack challenges:
#tryhackme hoodie
#tryhackme the bandit yeti #AdventOfCyber2022 tshirt
#sansinstitute holiday hack challenge shirt #kringlecon2022
#merrychristmas #tryhackme #adventofcyber2022 #sansinstitute #kringlecon2022 #treatyourself #youdeserveit
π Big congratulations to Director of Security Researcher, Sharon Brizinov, on being named SANS Institute Researcher of the Year!
The SANS Difference Makers Awards shine a light on the cybersecurity practitioners who are leading innovative developments in the industry, whoβve made outstanding security achievements, and who are contributing back to the InfoSec community in ways that deserve recognition. Catch the replay of the ceremony here: https://okt.to/o7zutv
#Team82 #DifferenceMakers #Cybersecurity #CyberAwards #Cyber #Security #Practitioners #Awards #SANSInstitute #HackerValley
#team82 #differencemakers #cybersecurity #cyberawards #cyber #security #practitioners #awards #sansinstitute #hackervalley
I'm GCIH certified!
Now to take a nap...
#GIAC #GCIH #sansinstitute #SANS #cybersecurity #cybersec #cyber #infosec #hacking #hackerβ
#giac #gcih #sansinstitute #sans #cybersecurity #cybersec #cyber #infosec #hacking #hacker
Just finished my Index for the GCIH. The exam is this Tuesday, and hopefully I'm prepared enough for it. I really struggled on the practice tests, but I'm feeling more confident than I did before. I'm also taking it in the morning when I have more energy--I took the practice tests in the afternoon and was exhausted 2 hours in. π΅βπ«
Once I pass, then it's on to the GWAPT next.
#GIAC #GCIH #sansinstitute #SANS #cybersecurity #cybersec #cyber #infosec #hacking #hacker
#giac #gcih #sansinstitute #sans #cybersecurity #cybersec #cyber #infosec #hacking #hacker
During #FOR578 #cyberthreatintelligence from #sansinstitute about 2 months ago we discussed Intrusion Analysis and the Diamond Model. I then found a "Report Template for Threat Intelligence and Incident Response" in Word and PDF Format created by @lennyzeltser. I put it into an Excel format and added in Diamond Model visualizations as I thought it might be useful to track the vertices based on #cyberkillchain phase as well as during each COA during IR. Hope at least someone finds it useful.
It can be found at https://github.com/cybersheepdog/Report-Template-for-TI-and-IR
#FOR578 #cyberthreatintelligence #sansinstitute #cyberkillchain
Anyone else on Mastodon attending the #SansInstitute #New2Cyber event?
#deletetwitter #new2cyber #sansinstitute
SolarWinds Hack Could Affect 18K Customers - The still-unfolding breach at network management software firm SolarWinds may have resulted in malic... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/12/solarwinds-hack-could-affect-18k-customers/ #cybersecurityandinfrastructuresecurityagency #centerforstrategicandinternationalstudies #u.s.securitiesandexchangecommission #greynoiseintelligence #solarwindsbreach #orionsoftware #sansinstitute #databreaches #andrewmorris #vinothkumar #alanpaller #jameslewis
#jameslewis #alanpaller #vinothkumar #andrewmorris #databreaches #sansinstitute #orionsoftware #solarwindsbreach #greynoiseintelligence #u #centerforstrategicandinternationalstudies #cybersecurityandinfrastructuresecurityagency
Thinking of a Cybersecurity Career? Read This - Thousand of people graduate from colleges and universities each year with cybersecurity or computer ... more: https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/07/thinking-of-a-cybersecurity-career-read-this/ #womenssocietyofcyberjutsu #howtobreakintosecurity #securitybsides #sansinstitute #defcongroups #alanpaller #metasploit #virtualbox #kalilinux #wireshark #openvas #tcpdump #webgoat #nessus #tcp/ip #nikto #owasp #nmap
#nmap #owasp #nikto #tcp #nessus #webgoat #tcpdump #openvas #wireshark #kalilinux #virtualbox #metasploit #alanpaller #defcongroups #sansinstitute #securitybsides #howtobreakintosecurity #womenssocietyofcyberjutsu