In case you're interested in signing up for the Derby Day 5K at Santa Anita park in Arcadia, prices go up at midnight, Monday, February 13.
You can use code LOVESWEAT to get a $5 discount. #derbyday5k #SantaAnitaPark
#SantaAnitaPark early pick 4 2.10.23
PK4 - Santa Anita - Race 2
Leg 1: 1, 3, 6
Leg 2: 1, 2
Leg 3: 3
Leg 4: 5, 8
Bets (12)Amount: $0.50Total: $6.00
Hey Can the murder of Black people at the hands of the police get at least as much coverage as the horses at #SantaAnitaPark? #RyanTwyman #BlackLivesMatter
#santaanitapark #ryantwyman #blacklivesmatter