#SantaClaritaDiet Con Drew Barrymore è assolutamente la mia serie preferita di sempre! Purtroppo la S4 cancellata, come da policy Netflix, ma petizioni sono attive per farla riaprire... vabbè rassegnamoci alla sua fine. #recensionibrutte
#santaclaritadiet #recensionibrutte
An interesting essay by #CarmenMariaMachado. Very glad she mentions one of my favorite #Netflix shows, #SantaClaritaDiet. https://www.bonappetit.com/story/the-last-of-us-yellowjackets-people-eating-people?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Lit%20Hub%20Daily:%20May%2025%2C%202023&utm_term=lithub_master_list
#carmenmariamachado #netflix #santaclaritadiet
Tout le monde mérite une relation de couple comme Joël et Sheila de #Santaclaritadiet
I’m a few years late but I just finished watching #SantaClaritaDiet and that cliffhanger ending is almost as bad as the end of My Name is Earl :(
Kotaku: The Last Of Us Episode 6 Recap: Ellie The Goodbye Girl https://kotaku.com/last-of-us-tlou-hbo-s1e6-joel-ellie-tommy-maria-jackson-1850135520 #gaming #tech #kotaku #fictionalcharacters #santaclaritadiet #richarddreyfuss #thegoodbyegirl #willlivingston #townofjackson #neithermarlon #grahamgreene #jacksonjoel #elainemiles #naughtydog #joeldexter #sallyride #neilsimon #marlene #fiction #marlon #ellie #sarah #kevin #maria #tommy #tess #dina #joel #sam #hbo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #fictionalcharacters #santaclaritadiet #richarddreyfuss #thegoodbyegirl #willlivingston #townofjackson #neithermarlon #grahamgreene #jacksonjoel #elainemiles #NaughtyDog #joeldexter #sallyride #neilsimon #marlene #fiction #marlon #ellie #sarah #kevin #maria #Tommy #tess #dina #joel #sam #hbo
Okay I'm going to try this #7SeriesToKnowMe (no particular order)
1. #Futurama
2. #StrangerThings
3. #QueerAsFolk (US)
4. #SantaClaritaDiet
5. #WandaVision
6. #KingoftheHill
7. #Friends
This is difficult as there are some shows I loved in the past but I don't know how much it represents me now. I also ended up leaving out anime and only focused on western shows.
#7seriestoknowme #futurama #strangerthings #queerasfolk #santaclaritadiet #wandavision #kingofthehill #friends