Jess For A Laugh · @meeple
36 followers · 26 posts · Server

The number of people online (mostly on other platforms) who think they have any right to determine how early or late in the year other people should have up is staggering. Don't joy. Let people enjoy things. I'll keep my up all damned year long* if I feel like it, and people telling me what to do is a one-way ticket to .

*I do, in fact, have my tree up still, but only because I'm and also .

#christmas #decorations #gatekeep #tree #santaclausvillage #busy #lazy

Last updated 2 years ago

Erik Schlicksbier · @erik
504 followers · 1522 posts · Server

Touristen-/Elternnepp? Natürlich. Und trotzdem ist es schon schön da, besonders wenn man mit Kindern unterwegs ist, die noch an den Weihnachtsmann glauben … (und mal ein Handyschnappschuss zum ;-))

#santaclausvillage #rovaniemi #finnland #Fotomontag

Last updated 2 years ago

Diavolo_Rosso · @diavolo_rosso
0 followers · 4 posts · Server
Jess For A Laugh · @meeple
286 followers · 285 posts · Server

The number of people online (mostly on other platforms) who think they have any right to determine how early or late in the year other people should have up is staggering. Don't joy. Let people enjoy things. I'll keep my up all damned year long* if I feel like it, and people telling me what to do is a one-way ticket to .

*I do not, in fact, have my tree up yet, but only because I'm and also .

#christmas #decorations #gatekeep #tree #santaclausvillage #busy #lazy

Last updated 2 years ago

Antonio Incorvaia · @inc_anto
0 followers · 1 posts · Server

Se mai questo mio su fosse anche l'ultimo, ricordatemi così. Ad maiora.

#santaclausvillage #Rovaniemi #viaggi #mastodon #primopost

Last updated 2 years ago