The number of people online (mostly on other platforms) who think they have any right to determine how early or late in the year other people should have #Christmas #decorations up is staggering. Don't #gatekeep joy. Let people enjoy things. I'll keep my #tree up all damned year long* if I feel like it, and people telling me what to do is a one-way ticket to #SantaClausVillage.
*I do, in fact, have my tree up still, but only because I'm #busy and also #lazy.
#christmas #decorations #gatekeep #tree #santaclausvillage #busy #lazy
Touristen-/Elternnepp? Natürlich. Und trotzdem ist es schon schön da, besonders wenn man mit Kindern unterwegs ist, die noch an den Weihnachtsmann glauben … #SantaClausVillage #Rovaniemi #Finnland (und mal ein Handyschnappschuss zum #FotoMontag ;-))
#santaclausvillage #rovaniemi #finnland #Fotomontag
#sci #snowboard #coppadelmondo #settimanabianca #christmas #valgardena #neve #snow #santaclausvillage #hotelmignon #selvadivalgardena #natale #buonnatale #buonnatalestocazzo
#sci #snowboard #Coppadelmondo #settimanabianca #christmas #ValGardena #neve #snow #santaclausvillage #hotelmignon #selvadivalgardena #natale #buonnatale #buonnatalestocazzo
The number of people online (mostly on other platforms) who think they have any right to determine how early or late in the year other people should have #Christmas #decorations up is staggering. Don't #gatekeep joy. Let people enjoy things. I'll keep my #tree up all damned year long* if I feel like it, and people telling me what to do is a one-way ticket to #SantaClausVillage .
*I do not, in fact, have my tree up yet, but only because I'm #busy and also #lazy .
#christmas #decorations #gatekeep #tree #santaclausvillage #busy #lazy
Se mai questo mio #primopost su #Mastodon fosse anche l'ultimo, ricordatemi così. Ad maiora.
#santaclausvillage #Rovaniemi #viaggi #mastodon #primopost