“Ron DeSantorum.” That’s it!
It’s eluded me for a while, but THAT suits the jackass perfectly — for more than a few reasons.
#RonDeSantorum #RonDeSantis #RonDeRacist #RonDeBigot #MAGA #GOP #RickSantorum #Santorum #LGBTQIAphobia
#lgbtqiaphobia #santorum #ricksantorum #gop #MAGA #rondebigot #ronderacist #rondesantis #rondesantorum
@umamiaf @franksting @AbandonedAmerica @Ming
I have been avoiding AI / SALAMI (except for analysis of Baduk board positions), but #santorum is an experiment I might try, just for the LOLs.
@MattHodges Definitely! E.g., one may or may not want to visualize the many photos that could be deliberately labeled "#Santorum" by Dan Savage fans
Today's hilarity: Rick Santorum, former Senator and well-known Urban Dictionary search term, said his "family situation won't allow" him to be WH Chief of Staff.
That…I can't even write that with a straight face. Literally cannot.
#santorum #whitehouse #uspolitics
#santorum #whitehouse #uspolitics