Who gets to write about Ambedkar?
Six new reappraisals show the gulf between Dalit-Bahujan and anglophone writing on B R Ambedkar. Harish S Wankhede writes.
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#BRAmbedkar #ambedkar #biography #history #dalits #bahujan #ambedkarites #socialjustice #caste #savitaambedkar #dhananjaykeer #christophejaffrelot #gailomvedt #valerianrodrigues #buddhism #JohnDewey #scottrstroud #williamgould #santoshdass #ShashiTharoor #books #bookstodon #india #activism
Book Review: Ambedkar in London by William Gould, Santosh Dass and Christophe Jaffrelot
In Ambedkar in London, William Gould, Santosh Dass and Christophe Jaffrelot offer a new collection exploring Dr B.R. Ambedkar’s education and political formation in the city. This is a valuable and unique contribution that expands our understanding of Ambedkar’s activities and experiences in London and their continuing legacies, writes Scott Stroud.
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#ambedkar #london #biography #caste #dalits #dalit #socialjustice #untouchability #brahminism #williamgould #christophejaffrelot #santoshdass #books #bookstodon #bookreview #india
Ambedkar in London: New Book Looks Into Internationalism of Ambedkarite Politics
The book shows how London became a melting point for intellectual engagements in Ambedkar’s formative experiences.
#ambedkar #biography #books #bookstodon #BookReview #SocialJustice #equality #untouchability #HumanRights #dalit #dalits #ChristopheJaffrelot #SantoshDass #WilliamGould #history #india
#ambedkar #biography #books #bookstodon #bookreview #socialjustice #equality #untouchability #humanrights #dalit #dalits #christophejaffrelot #santoshdass #williamgould #history #india