Mein aus einer #Zither selbst-umgebautes #Hackbrett ( ist leider nicht so stabil wie gedacht. Die einzelnen (vom Santur geklauten) Brücken knicken mit der Zeit um.
Wird Zeit, nach neuen Lösungen zu forschen.
Time to find a new solution: my from a Zither self modified #HammeredDulcimer ( isn't as stable as it should. The bridges (that I took from a #Santur) bend and crack with the time.
#zither #hackbrett #hammereddulcimer #santur #musikinstrument #diy #modding
This is a #solo performance on the #santur, one of the main instruments within #Persian #music. The santur is a trapezoid hammered box #zither (AKA #dulcimer) with 72 strings; often in three groups of nine pitches in courses of 4. Nowadays brass/copper and steel strings are used, but historically these were silk..
Habib Soma’i, a master of the santur once said: “The tuning of the santur made me old.” Because tuning the #instrument is difficult, especially matching the four-string-courses exactly, as dissonance is not a desired aesthetic, or switching between the various microtonal dastgah that lay at the heart of #Iranian music theory. The derived Kashmiri santoor and various modern innovations have increased the number of bridges and strings, introduced levers to facilitate easier switching between scales, and construction methods for more tonal consistency.
#solo #santur #persian #music #zither #dulcimer #instrument #iranian
@diy_instruments while my #Zither is not a total diy project, I'm pretty proud of my installation of the small bridges (actual #santur bridges) I on the body to make the strings easier to hit with sticks...