With the release of #JDK20 on March 21th, there are at least 4 other vendors releasing binaries based on #OpenJDK 20. #Amazon's #Corretto: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/corretto/latest/corretto-20-ug/downloads-list.html and #SapMachine https://sap.github.io/SapMachine were released the same day as #Oracle's OpenJDK. Yesterday, we had releases of Zulu 20 from #AzulSystems here: https://azul.com/downloads and also #Liberica 20 from #BellSoftware here: https://bell-sw.com/pages/downloads ... more releases based on #JDK 20 to come. #Java #OpenSource
#jdk20 #openjdk #amazon #corretto #sapmachine #oracle #azulsystems #Liberica #bellsoftware #jdk #java #opensource
"Profilers are just software themselves and thus suffer from the same problems as the typical problems of the applications they are used to profile," @parttimenerd of #SapMachine lifts the lid and dives into the rabbit hole on Foojay :foojay: Today!
#sapmachine #foojaytip #java #kotlin
Ever wanted to profile your application directly from your IDE? Here comes the #Java JFR Profiler plugin, an open-source plugin for #IntelliJIDEA by @parttimenerd #SapMachine on Foojay :foojay: Today!
#java #intellijidea #sapmachine #foojaytip
Just around the corner is #fosdem, in the Foojay :foojay: DevRoom you'll see @parttimenerd of #SapMachine on AsyncGetStackTrace, the improved version of AsyncGetCallTrace (JEP 435), learn here about getting stack traces:
#fosdem #sapmachine #foojaytip #fosdem23
On Foojay :foojay: Today, @parttimenerd of #SapMachine continues his awesome series on writing a profiler from scratch, covering wall-clock profiling and how to collect the obtain stack traces.
Happy new year to all friends of OpenJDK everywhere! Today, how does #Java debugging work under the hood? @parttimenerd from #SapMachine explains on Foojay :foojay: Today the basics of JDI and JDWP and discusses and shares the JDWP packets for an example program!
Where are all my favorite #OpenJDK distribution developers on #Mastodon? Not just #Adoptium, but also looking for #Liberica, #SAPMachine, and #Zulu from #AzulSystem
#openjdk #mastodon #Adoptium #Liberica #sapmachine #zulu #azulsystem