The #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast tells you what's "On the Shelf for September 2023” with announcements of new historical fiction releases and interviews with and Katharine Quarmby.
#LesbianFiction #LesbianHistory #SapphicFiction #SapphicHistory
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #lesbianfiction #LesbianHistory #sapphicfiction #sapphichistory
I did two lovely interviews this morning for next week's #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast! We'll be talking about fiction inspired by historic archives and how to imagine queer lives in the Neolithic.
If you're an author or historian working around the topic of women loving women in history, and you'd be interested in talking about your work on my podcast, drop me a note to ask!
#LesbianHistory #SapphicHistory #LesbianFiction #SapphicFiction
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #LesbianHistory #sapphichistory #lesbianfiction #sapphicfiction
Inspired, in part, by our recent fiction episode, this month the #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast brings you another “Our F/Favorite Tropes" show, featuring female spies in history!
We love our adventurous, angsty spy-vs-spy historic romances, right? But if you think the main hurdle for a sapphic historical spy romance is the believability of women as spies, you should think again.
#LesbianHistory #SapphicHistory #HistoricalRomance #LesbianFiction #SapphicFiction
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #LesbianHistory #sapphichistory #historicalromance #lesbianfiction #sapphicfiction
The #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast has interviews out the wazoo in this month's On the Shelf episode. Hear from Annemarie K.D. (author of last week's story), Meredith Rose (whose Shelockian "A Study in Garnet" is my current read), and Lee Swanson (author of a fascinating series featuring medieval Hanseatic merchants).
Plus the usual round-up of new books!
#LesbianHistory #SapphicHistory #LesbianFiction #SapphicFiction
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #LesbianHistory #sapphichistory #lesbianfiction #sapphicfiction
New fiction on the #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast! Annemarie KD's story "To the Fair Muse who, Loving Me, Imagin'd More" imagines a romantic interlude for 17th c poet, playwright, and spy Aphra Behn.
#LesbianFiction #LesbianHistory #SapphicFiction #SapphicHistory
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #lesbianfiction #LesbianHistory #sapphicfiction #sapphichistory
"'Oh that Astaphis be mine,
May Philylla look over
And Damareta and desired Ianthemis'—
But Hagesichora overwhelms me."
Alcman, First Maidens' Song
This song was probably performed in Sparta by a female chorus (or two semichoruses) led by Hagesichora and Agido. Some commentators consider it to be an initiation rite, perhaps even a betrothal of the two chorus leaders.
#PrideMonth #LGBTQ #LGBTQHistory #sapphicHistory #ancientGreece @antiquidons @histodons @poetry
#pridemonth #lgbtq #lgbtqhistory #sapphichistory #ancientgreece
Romantic and erotic love between women has always existed. But there is very little source material of women loving women from antiquity. Most surviving texts deal with male desires. However, there are some glimpses into the past lives of sapphic women. Let's get to know them:
Free to read for #PrideMonth ❤️💛💚💙💜
#LGBTQ #LGBTQHistory #SapphicHistory #LesbianHistory @antiquidons @histodons @lgbtqbookstodon #sapphic
#pridemonth #lgbtq #lgbtqhistory #sapphichistory #lesbianhistory #sapphic
#LGBTQstodon And HUGE thanks to @heatherrosejones for all her hard work on her blog and podcast! She does an amazing job uncovering and discussing #sapphichistory, as well as publishing interviews and short fiction! (And she writes some great fiction herself!) Here the link to my other pieces on her blog - go explore!
The medieval French "Romance of SIlence" includes some surprising takes on questions of gender and identity, including an ongoing quarrel between Nature and Nurture over the central character's gender. Despite the eventual heteronormative conclusion, "SIlence" gives us a glimpse of imagined possibilities.
Today's #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast explores this story and its complications.
#LesbianHIstory #SapphicHistory #TransHistory
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #LesbianHistory #sapphichistory #transhistory
New Lesbian Historic Motif Project blog: how the "erotics of similarity" play out in medieval texts of the 1001 Nights and inherently embrace an understanding of desire that sets aside binary gender ideals.
Using the tale of Qamar and Budur, the author explores the motif of romantic desire being based not simply on an equivalence of beauty, but on beauty standards that discard ideas of gender dimorphism.
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #LesbianHistory #SapphicHistory
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #LesbianHistory #sapphichistory