I like this #SapphicSaturdays started by @soulfel
I’ll add more in the future but this ties in nicely with my post about Eivor & Kassandra in Assassin’s Creed #Valhalla and #Odyssey
I love my #sapphics with muscles and swords 💪⚔️
#sapphicsaturdays #valhalla #odyssey #sapphics
It sounds like #SapphicSaturdays should be a thing here, and I'll use this as an excuse to share with you my most recent #animated short with two of my dating gal characters giving each other a scary/spooky test of courage. Scary driving for one, a #spooky graveyard for the other. https://youtu.be/XAky5IFgVys
#sapphicsaturdays #animated #spooky
Your #GayAwakening? Subconsciously: Rachel Weisz. The Mummy (1999)…Need I say more?
Actually, that whole cast was likely responsible for catalyzing a whole generation of Queers.
Share yours on the tag! #SapphicSaturdays
#sapphicsaturday #gayawakening #sapphicsaturdays #rachelweisz #wlw #forsapphics #themummy
What was the first #WlW pairing (canon or not) that inspired your #FanFiction journey?
Mine was #Bellamoine. Still like coming back to this fic once every few years. I have a soft spot for magical female villains and worthy #Sapphic pairings. 🤓 What can I say?
#SapphicFanFiction #SapphicSaturday #SapphicAngst #HarryPotter #BellatrixLestrange
#sapphicsaturdays #wlw #fanfiction #bellamoine #sapphic #sapphicfanfiction #sapphicsaturday #sapphicangst #harrypotter #bellatrixlestrange
@glass_jar yay! So awesome to see #SapphicSaturdays is catching wind here :) I’m saving this fic for a later read! Thanks for sharing!!!
Is there such a thing as #SapphicSaturdays on Mastodon? If not, let’s get it going!
Celebrate all things #Sapphic by sharing your favorite media (books, art, film, tv, comics, fanfiction, etc), artists, or just yourselves! & bring awareness to the awesomeness within our community!
For this inaugural Saturday, I’m sharing Beacon of Love by Ann Roberts. The first #SapphicFiction book I ever read that inspired it all for me! 🥲
#sapphicsaturdays #sapphic #sapphicfiction