Long before she was the blade doll we met in #ConfluenceNovel, River had glimmers of where her life would eventually go.
Even before her cybernetics, just as a mostly unaugmented human, she was already happiest when she was making her wife's life a little easier and kinder. #sapphicsf #ASwordBesideHer
#aswordbesideher #sapphicsf #confluencenovel
I just finished my e-ARC of @skyekilaen 's Too Dangerous to Keep, the 3rd novella in her 5-novella science fiction thriller/romance series for adults (All These Gifts), and it was so much fun! I can't wait for #4. Here's my full Goodreads review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5303622906
#bookstodon #SF #SFRomance #ScienceFiction #Novella #Bookstodon #SapphicRomance #SapphicSF
#bookstodon #sf #sfromance #sciencefiction #novella #sapphicromance #sapphicsf