Today On Screen · @todayonscreen
914 followers · 200 posts · Server

Today, April 19, in 2011, in an alternate timeline, the Skynet missile defense system goes online at 20:11 (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, s01e01 “Pilot”, 2008)

#tv #television #terminator #sarahconnor #sarahconnorchronicles #skynet

Last updated 2 years ago

For the 14th anniversary of the start of the Sarah Connor Chronicles, we're sharing some cyborg books from (OMG I loved Summer Glau in that show).

Check out all of our cyborg titles:


#bookstodon #bookstoread #books #sciencefiction #scifi #sarahconnorchronicles #androids #cyborgs

Last updated 2 years ago

Dammit Victor 🦋 · @vkfarfalle
17 followers · 5 posts · Server

The game I want to run is less inspired by the original Terminator movie and the Dark Horse comics...

... and more by the TV show from 2009-10. A motley crew of Human Resistance fighters whose original cells have been disbanded by Skynet or LEO.

They're all fanatics to Connor's cause... but how deep does even fanaticism run when there's no checkered flag, no retirement plan, and one "judgment day" after another comes and goes without incident?



Last updated 2 years ago