@Deglassco #LouisArmstrong was an ‘#UncleTom ‘?!
That’s a joke, right? (I know you’re not joking. But how sad for any Black person to think that about such a great artist and humanitarian.)
But speaking of jokes, the up-and-rising comedian #SarahCooper knows a thing or two about Uncle Tom jokes! “Praying for #ClarenceThomas” ⬇️ 😂
#LouisArmstrong #uncletom #sarahcooper #clarencethomas
I...thought the title was a JOKE
Jesus, these people
This is why #SarahCooper's lip-syncs of #Trump were the most effective commentary on his ineptitude during the entire presidency: He's so thoroughly asinine that he's beyond parody in the most literal sense
Nothing anyone can make up will be more absurd than what comes out of his (/his lawyer's) mouth
Thanks for what you do, as always