#Deadloch - Amazon prime - 8 episodes - Australian black comedy police procedural from the makers of the comedy series The Katering Show - strong recommend
#JuryDuty - Amazon/freevee - 8 episodes - US legal system documentary about the experiences of a first time jurist, except, he's the only one who isn't an actor. Heartwarming, truman show, funny
#SarahJaffe #WorkWontLoveYouBack - 'How Devotion to Our Jobs Keeps Us Exploited, Exhausted, and Alone' - 448p, 2022 - I keep referencing this one - #1U
#RichardOsmon - #TheManWhoDiedTwice - 464p, 2021 - British pensioners solving crimes - regularly laugh out loud funny.
#deadloch #juryduty #sarahjaffe #workwontloveyouback #1u #richardosmon #themanwhodiedtwice #recommendations #tv #books