ESCLUSIVO La musa Clio in incognito a Roma. Una crisi esistenziale fra le carte bollate #Interviste #Jugoslavia #Norimberga #Auschwitz #Civitella #Antigone #Eumenidi #Germania #Sarajevo #Distomo #Ucraina #Grecia #Russia #L'Aia #Roma
#interviste #jugoslavia #norimberga #auschwitz #Civitella #antigone #Eumenidi #germania #sarajevo #Distomo #ucraina #grecia #russia #l #roma
Rocking out has never been more exhausting, but we still do it:
#rocknroll #sarajevo #izvansvakekontrole
Dobre ráno #windowphotography #windowpicture #sarajevo
#windowphotography #windowpicture #sarajevo
Belagerung: 1.425 Tage des Schreckens
Belagerung: Am 5. April eines jeden Jahres jährt sich der Beginn des Beschusses von Sarajevo durch Serben.
Dabei starben zwei Friedensdemonstranten. Sie waren die ersten Opfer einer 1.425-tägigen Belagerung der bosnischen Hauptstadt. Von Alan Crosby & Maria Arnautovic
Mehr als 500 Jahre lan
#KriegKonfliktUndDieFolgen #Bildung #Europa #IZPlus #belagerung #erlebnisse #sarajevo
#sarajevo #erlebnisse #Belagerung #IZPlus #europa #bildung #kriegkonfliktunddiefolgen
23 de Julio de 1914 el embajador austrohúngaro en Belgrado presenta a las autoridades serbias un ultimátum como respuesta al asesinato del heredero Francisco Fernando en Sarajevo. El documento, inaceptable para los serbios, acabara desembocando en la I Guerra Mundial. #efemérides #ww1 #serbia #sarajevo #austrohungary #history #historia
#historia #history #austrohungary #sarajevo #serbia #ww1 #efemerides
hundreds · massacre · sarajevo · srebrenica · victims,cd_min:7/8/2023,cd_max:7/10/2023
#news #sarajevo #srebrenica
It is not widely known that the #Versailles Peace Conference, whose purpose was to restore international order after #WWI, formally opened on 28 June 1919--to coincide with the fifth anniversary of the #Sarajevo assassination that triggered the war.
Parisian bookseller & publisher (François) Louis Dorbon (1878-1956) sent this card to himself
#WWI 3/n
Really enjoying #Sarajevo but it would be a lot easier if everyone didn’t smoke and the vegetable-to-meat ratio were a bit higher 😛
The 1914 #Sarajevo Assassination and the Road to World War I - Professor Buzzkill
#WWI #FranzFerdinand
#sarajevo #wwi #franzferdinand
A Luglio andrò una settimana a Sarajevo.
graziee :baby_yoda:
Warum kommt man von #München in den gleichen 8h wie nach #Kiel nicht auch nach #Beograd, #Sarajevo, #Split, #Foggia, #Roma, #Marseille etc (und noch nichtmal nach #Zagreb und #Genova)? - Bildquelle
#munchen #kiel #beograd #sarajevo #split #foggia #roma #marseille #zagreb #genova
#Svrzo's #House, #Sarajevo, #BosniaHerzegovina
Off the beaten path in Sarajevo is this well-preserved 18th century #Ottoman house that is like a time machine to another age.
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#Photography #Picture #OAA #AYearForArt #MastoArt #ArchitecturalPhotography #Interior #Window #WindowsOfMastodon
#TravelPhotography #Travel #WellTravelled
#OATtravel #OverseasAdventureTravel #Sony #SonyAlpha #Mirrorless #A7rII #24mm #WindowFriday #Freitagfenster #Friday #urbex #History
#svrzo #house #sarajevo #BosniaHerzegovina #ottoman #photography #picture #oaa #ayearforart #mastoart #architecturalphotography #interior #window #windowsofmastodon #travelphotography #travel #welltravelled #oattravel #overseasadventuretravel #sony #sonyalpha #mirrorless #a7rii #24mm #WindowFriday #freitagfenster #friday #urbex #history
“It was very, very crazy for me to hear Prodigy during the middle of the war.”
#techno #dancemusic #dance #BosnianWar #BosniaandHerzegovina #Sarajevo
#techno #dancemusic #dance #bosnianwar #bosniaandherzegovina #sarajevo
RT @KumaInternation
Delighted to present our third book titled "Sarajevo 1992 - 1996" by Enrico Dagnino @enricod3 featuring more than 100 photographs of the #siege of #Sarajevo and texts by @SniperAlleyPhot, @enricmarti and @NKresevljakovic on April 27 at 18:00 at Modul Memorije program in Sarajevo.
👉#Sarajevo (lokalno vrijeme 04:34:45). Jeste li osjetili potres? Podijelite vaše iskustvo:
Vaš doprinos je vrlo bitan za razumijevanje posljedica potresa.🙏
#Earthquake (#zemljotres) M2.1 strikes 9 km SE of #Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina) 13 min ago. More info:
#earthquake #zemljotres #sarajevo
👉#Sarajevo (lokalno vrijeme 19:51:25). Jeste li osjetili potres? Podijelite vaše iskustvo:
Vaš doprinos je vrlo bitan za razumijevanje posljedica potresa.🙏
#kOSTprobe aus unseren Neuerwerbungen: "Uvod u lebdenje / Einübung ins Schweben" - neuer Roman von Dževad Karahasan, dem "literarischen Chronisten #Sarajevo|s", Sarajevo 2022
#BosnienHerzegowina #BosnaHercegovina
#kOSTprobe #sarajevo #bosnienherzegowina #bosnahercegovina